• Member Since 1st May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 19th, 2022


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Concerning Queen of Blades and Little Lulu · 9:34pm Sep 17th, 2014

So at this point you've probably noticed that I haven't published any chapters in many months, and I'm afraid that I don't exactly have good news concerning that. The state of things is entirely my fault, and I won't make excuses about how 'life got in the way' or stuff like that, fact is that my drive to write has simply been in slow decay for the past year or so. Before you start coming up with ideas on how to either bring me down for this, or in fact encourage me, let me just note that

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Report Salacar · 915 views · Story: Queen of Blades ·
Comments ( 44 )
  • Viewing 40 - 44 of 44

From clopfics to starcraft crossovers... thats some diversity right there

And thanks for the watch! :pinkiehappy:

Always happy to see more good Star Wars stories on the site :ajsmug:

Thanks for the fav on Friendship is Grievous! :twilightsmile: I'd appreciate it if you'd leave a like and some feedback in the comments!

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