• Member Since 6th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 25th, 2014



[Insert appropriate title here] · 7:28pm Oct 9th, 2012

Blablabla, somewhat funny introduction:

I'm back! Meaning I wasn't really away physicalöly, but mentally. Meaning I took a long brake from writing...why? League of Legends, that's why! I know that I'm being a real asshole in that way, but I don't really care. Too much Ponies there was. So now too much LoL there is. Means, back to Ponies!

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Comments ( 65 )
  • Viewing 61 - 65 of 65

Alright cool! I'm here if you need me!

maybe you can...i gotta finish teh samll scripts i have first, though.

695967>>695967ah, cool! You know, maybe I can help you with those ideas. If you want, of course.

I am still alive, my dear friend. The fact that I haven't been posting stuff is just that I don't have anything productive to post yet. Many ideas, but not enough for an actual story..in other words: I#m on hiatus

Hey man, are you alright? I haven't heard from you in ages. You okay?

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