• Member Since 24th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 1st, 2023



Where have all the updates gone. · 2:33am May 11th, 2014

Where have all the stories gone~ long time passing~
Where have all the stories gone~ long long time ago~
Where have all the stories gone~ long time passing~
Where have all the stories gone~ gone to featured box everyone.

Where have all the features gone~ long time passing~
Where have all the features gone~ long long time ago~
Where have all the features gone~ long time passing~
Where have all the features gone~ gone to updates everyone.

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Report Doctor.whooves · 309 views ·
Comments ( 80 )
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Thanks for the faves! :pinkiehappy:

TThe Encounter
Barefoot, nearsighted and lost, a young man wakes to find his life has drastically changed.
Winter_Solstice · 70k words  ·  290  38 · 7.8k views

Thank you for Favoriting my Dark Adventure.

Just a warning, Fire and Iron is a very old fic of mine and is not very good.

Thanks for all the favorites!

Thanks for the favs! Be sure to leave some likes if you enjoyed the stories! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 76 - 80 of 80
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