• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 4th, 2016

Draven Eclipse

Latest Stories


CALLING ALL FOLLOWERS · 6:44am Dec 12th, 2013

I am stressed. This isn't your typical run of the mill everyday stress. No, this is planet cracking and nerve tearing stress. My stress has stress. What to call upon you guys to provide me with your most heartwarming, funny, romantic, just happy stories you can find on the site. I have a been doing so but I am just one man. I am also willing to go offsite for great stress relievers and sources of happy entertainment. None of you are obliged but I would appreciate it regardless. Thanks for

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About my username

I had the name Draven before the champion was ever thought of on League of Legends. That being said, I do play the game but I am taking a break from it at the moment due to computer issues.

Quotes and Such

Yeah, who doesn't like a big mass of semen strangling them? -DannyJ

Comments ( 68 )
  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68


2507915 I don't want to be here all day...

Take a moment to reflect on every quality author and story that's died :^)

2505029 Fuck, why did you have to remind me about this guy? I WAS HAPPY LIVING IN BLISSFUL IGNORANCE!

  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68
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