• Member Since 30th May, 2012
  • offline last seen January 31st



3 · 7:45am Mar 5th, 2015

How do I have three of the followers. I haven't even written anything.

I should write something.

Report Totallyrandomdude · 292 views ·
Comments ( 46 )
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2195441 Ha. I've noticed their arrogance before. But shhhhh... They're watchiiiiiinnnnng...


No spam. This includes chain letters, referral links, posting the same thing many times in different places, and anything that involves, or encourages other users to, repost identical or similar content. This excludes posting information about your new story in groups that explicitly allow it.

If you look further through the rules section, there are a lot of rules that people break all the time. I suppose it's fine, but it's technically not allowed.

I kinda hate the people in charge of fimfiction. They always seem so damn arrogant. Like, how did they expect to enforce those rules? It's ridiculous.

Thank you for the fave :yay:

2173433 I think I saw something about how it wasn't allowed anymore come up in my feed. Maybe I'm wrong, but not a lot of writers actually seem to do that. I have 200 or so favorited stories, but nowhere near as many messages about it on my user page.

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