• Member Since 19th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen July 18th


Hello! I'll fill this out later, I promise.


Thank you! · 5:47am Jun 20th, 2012

I just wanted to extend a thank you to anyone who's read and/or commented on "A New Dawn"! I don't often write, though I'd like too- it's just that coming up with plot ideas is not my forte. Which can be rather frustrating. Though maybe I can go into more details about Luna and Twilight's life as mentioned in my story. :]

It makes me feel so happy to know I've instilled some sort of emotion in my viewers! So thank you again.

~Much love, Lulu

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Didn't realize this until now but you are one of the old guards. You should write way more you're incredible! I mean your stories are almost like poetry. You should have way more followers.

Good Job! you've entered with a Splash!
I'm Magnumopai! contact me if you need any help with anything in the future. I'll always get back to you.

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