• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2022



My apologies for my extended absence · 7:37pm Aug 7th, 2013

Good evening to you all! To those who have kept up with OPD&T I owe you all an apology and an explanation. The truth is I have started on the next chapter; however, I have only made it a few thousand words into it. And that it not be choice, but rather unfortunate circumstances. To elaborate on the matter, several weeks ago I was at the gym and I began to notice a tremor in my right arm extending down into my hand. I though very little of it at the time; however, I should have apparently been a

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Comments ( 9 )
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Thanks for Favoriting and liking Skeletor, Master of the Empire. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so far.

Thank you for the watch, I am always so humbled by when people do such. :twilightsmile:

1399202 You didn't link me. I just read your comment as I've come to check again. Good for you, I suppose. Not being in a coma and all that.
I hope the next chapter comes! I like your story!

Eyup, I'm still kicking. More often than not, however, I'm logged on generically somewhere and can't respond easily. Usually, I have my phone or tablet with me on duty so I can catch up on some phenomenal stories or find new ones to pass the time while I'm posting. My field trainees are out on their own now so I'm back to sitting on the Fox truck roving around town for 12 hours at a time. Not for too many spoilers 'cause I'm awful at sticking to deadlines, I am working on something new in response to the sudden interest in "Promises"

*looks at your "last activity" clock, sees it was about 12 hours ago*
Oh, good. You're still alive. I remembered your blog post a while ago and was worried!

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