Am I back? · 9:41am Jul 18th, 2020
i dont actually know. things are weird. i have picked up a new hobby in painting miniatures. I have lost a lot and gained a lot and it does things. I am cancer free two years but also have nodules under surveillance to see if they grow meaning that its back.
I posted a new chapter in "living with cancer" as i had to write to deal with the anxiety and fear, i need to decide if i consider it complete or not though.
2412385 Been "busy"
fighting for a surgery due to insurance issues so stuck in "mild" pain with a tube. American health care at its finest.
You will be happy there are two chapters in editing for school days so should be out eventually.
Appreciate the support
Hey. It seems to have been a while since you've commented on here, made a journal, or updated a story. Since it looks like the last time that happened, it took just a LITTLE while before someone new commented on something, so I thought I'd check in to make sure you're doing alright. And, while I'm at it, I have to say that I'm a big fan of your School Days story. Weather or not you see this, I hope you're doing well, and even if it's not on here, I hope you keep on writing!
yeah, have been realizing it should be more like large dislike? it depends on how you translate it. Makes more sense with my personality and joy to rant. or used to, but have come to really like it
Extreme hatred? Odd choice for a name.
But someone mentioned it before, I see.
2340715 Hello!
think you are one of the few to comment on it. only been 63 weeks since someone commented, not that long