Sneaking back into writing · 3:36am Apr 16th, 2017
*peaks at first few chapters* What the fuck was I writing here?
Anyway, I'm kinda back ... at least in spirit. I've been working over Fire that Chills in my head. Unfortunately, as I've figured out how I want the world to work now, I have to go back in time like 3 years and fill in all my shitty, unplanned plot holes.
Hope everything is going well for you!
Truthfully I've had it downloaded on my laptop and I just go on it last night and finished it today and well it was a very awesome book if I do say my self but I'm wanting to continue it with chapter 30 but all up to you man
Thank you so much for the favorite on "Lingering Shadows!" I'm happy to see that you liked it enough to add it to your favorites!
Thanks for the Fave on Rise of the Furball!
Dat avatar
I chuckled