• Member Since 16th Dec, 2012
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From the Book of Pony

"There will always be a Princess. There will always be a Man by her side. And he will love and protect her - ever and ever, always and always - until time reaches its end."

* * *

"... A city of magic and science, of steel and stone sculptured and woven so that engineering became art, reaching for the heavens, clad in nature’s greenery, and filled with ponies and humans alike.

'Behold, Utopia…'"

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Creative Stuff! · 12:50am Dec 3rd, 2016

1. The Arcanum

From the film, Thirteen Ghosts; the story goes that this 1500 page manuscript was written in the 15th century by the astrologer Basileus while he was under demonic possession. It contains spells, profiles on the thirteen ghosts of The Black Zodiac, and blueprints for creating a mansion-like machine with which to open and gain control over the Ocularis Infernum.

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Report Coranth · 654 views ·

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*Waves at the protoss as she passes by!*

Hey! Thanks for faving Serenity, Courage, Wisdom! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding Pack Leader to your favorites list. :pinkiehappy: :raritywink:

Thanks for adding Long Live the Queen to your favorites! I hope you continue to enjoy it! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for adding At Least My Daughter Is Happy We're Here to your favorites. :scootangel: :yay: :pinkiehappy:

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