• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Monday


the ponies... thry tell me things... buetiful things...

what you need to know

yeah, I'm the kind of guy who cant focus on one idea for to long, but I do come up with some brilliant ones. if you want some help just tell me what your trying to do and ill see if I can come up with something that will work for it


This is why I love my freinds. · 10:41pm Aug 26th, 2015

Report rainbowPOOTIS · 611 views ·

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Comments ( 31 )
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ok update for every one for a time i talk with the rainbowPootis on steam (i have since stopped) he basically has lost interest in writing for know i have no idea if/when he will be back and he does not want his stories adopted

2231983 feel free to ask for any ideas i cant get my head to stop coming up with stuff its really annoying not haveing any thing to do with them and i dont mean this is a pridefull way it often very anyoing and keeps me up (i have not had a 8 hour sleep in years)

2231983 oh writers block?
so waiting for more life of a changeling chapter and new moon(one of my first favs in fact my second one)

2231672 yes, its just. my insperation died... T_T

You still active?

Thank you for the fave :twilightsmile:

thanks for the fav,

Thanks so much for the fav on Legacy! It's appreciated!:pinkiehappy:

806482 Have the human spontaneously combust, and then appear in Equestria.


also, that moment when scout finds out rarity makes hats

the ponies... thry tell me things... buetiful things...

these fit your avatar so much.
I mean, LOOK AT IT!

You sir/mam, have the best username and avatar and bio

Thanks for adding Drake's Empire to your bookshelf. :moustache:

Thanks for the watch

Thanks for the fav on 6 Shades of Rainbow :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav!:moustache:

Hey there, thanks for faving Transformers Armada: Starscream's Requiem :twilightsmile:!

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