• Member Since 28th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen January 9th

Umbra Animo

a guy with way to much time a love of world creating and a very DARK mind point for who can guess my translated name

what is a writer

What is a writer. To the normal world they are they nerd, the loner, the nut, To their family the are ,the "special one", the shut in, head in the clouds. To their foes they are, the easy mark, the target, the loser. To themselves they are, the wastes of space, a broken toy, the scratched out line. To their friends they are, the creative, the driven, the unstoppable. To their fans they are, the maestro of joy, the master of magic, the inspiration. And to the worlds they write,they are the one who can do no wrong, the divine one, the creator, to the lives they breath life to they are, the idol, the true light, to them a writer is God. so what is a writer hehe a writer is many thing its up to you to decided. do you want to be a man or a God all you have to do is create


Remake · 2:47am Sep 15th, 2021

so I FINALY got started on never mourn the dead. but I have grown distisfied with it and plan to remake it. I going to keep the current chapters and just start off anew in a new set of chapters after the original three

Report Umbra Animo · 263 views · Story: Never Mourn The Dead ·
Comments ( 56 )
  • Viewing 52 - 56 of 56

I was going to ask about the status of the Never Mourn The Dead remake, but after reading a few comments here I can't help but ask what's going on and if everything's alright with you right now?

Mine left me in complete fugues where I just couldn’t register anything even eating. Lost a fair bit of weight because of that.

Wow yikes I am so sorry to hear that. :fluttershysad:
I can certainly relate to reactions to medicine as I have had one medication I was on stop my breathing. Needless to say I avoid that medication now. :twilightsmile:

I believe someone has and while I would love to life and my own severe adhd has kept me from doing so. Though I am currently working on getting medicine for my Adhd. Bad experiences with adhd meds in my youth (near lethal bad and I still can’t remember a thing back then) pushed me away from medication

  • Viewing 52 - 56 of 56
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