• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen June 11th

Tundric Spirit

welcome my fellow brony, prepare your self for combat!, acts of valor!, and CAKE!!! I'm going to have to science the shit out of this.....


the mystic cypher reborn · 12:06pm Aug 18th, 2021

so, get ready folks. the mystic cypher is getting a comeback, with some changes. i just got campfire and will be making progress over the next couple of weeks. the basic premise will be the same, however there will be drastic rewrites in the story for when Nick arrives in equestria. but with my new tools and the last few years of thought on what to do with writing i think its time.

Report Tundric Spirit · 292 views · Story: The Mystic Cipher ·
Comments ( 48 )
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You ok I'm still waiting because I believe in you and your story and if life got you down I'm sorry

Hey me again same guy different account you doing did COVID have a affect on you if so hope you get better or if it is a good effect I hope you get back to work on this story I still love it and cannot wait for the rewrite hope this comment finds you well PS I am Kameron the reason I miss spelled my name and put the Rong word in was autocorrect

Thank you for applying and I would love to give you a few suggestions like maybe he can rip off a tiny piece of his soul put it into a tiny shard of the philosopher's Stone and put it into an insect and control it from afar like telepathy so he can gather more DNA that way and a few other things and I can't wait for the next update I did a reread because I lost track of it giggles this is one of my favorite stories I cannot wait for it to be updated said in an Erie tone just joking anyway just reply if you're cool with me giving you a couples ideas


thank you both for your complements, sorry for not posting for a couple years, life just kinda got in the way. i am hoping to resume the mystic cipher soon, though it'll likely be going through an overhaul, my biggest problem in writing was often just writing on the fly with extremely vague goalposts in mind for the story's direction. i recently considered getting back into writing and may even be posting stuff by the beginning of next year assuming my car doesn't die on me again and i have to buy a new one.... again.

Hello! First I want to say that The Mystic Cipher is a damn good story and even though it is likely dead I still hold it in high regards. I would also like to ask if i could make a story that incorporates the philosopher stone idea from your fic he wouldn't be gaining it from Bill though it will be referenced if you allow me to use it. And while i doubt you'll respond I felt it proper to ask for permission as it is your idea.

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