• Member Since 26th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen June 14th

Shadicbro Brony

A 23 year old Brony with a good heart, loves good romance stories, sad, and adventure. Those who are friendly to others is a friend of mine. As long as you have friendship, you're never alone.

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News and Updates · 6:07am Jul 4th, 2020

Hey everyone! Its been a while since I posted a new blog. Time goes by fast. Now, I have some announemnts for you. First off, I hope you all are doing okay under the time of what 2020 has been giving us. Its been a rough year for us all, but were still here. Stay safe and stay healthy.

Secondly, Many for you are asking for the next chap of Equestrian Heros Plus Ultra. Not to worry, its under work right now. Im hoping to get it in soon by the end of next week.

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Comments ( 249 )
  • Viewing 245 - 249 of 249

Five years ago, I asked if I could write a sequel to your Spyro story. I wrote a story of my own instead and published it yesterday. Check it out if you want.

Ever consider doing an AU where Daniel Blaze ends up staying with Nursery Rhyme and Milky Way?

Hey man I hope you come back soon it's been awhile since October I hope you are doing ok

Does anyone know what he is doing?

Are you doing ok? you have been gone for a while

  • Viewing 245 - 249 of 249
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