• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2014
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Favorite Series - Kingdom Hearts, My Little Pony, Bionicle, Gundam, Kamen Riders. Love to Make Crossovers and hoping to make it the best.

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A new pony project story concept: Odyssey: Ponies in Space · 11:50pm Apr 15th, 2022


The year is 5010. Somewhere in the Nebula Horse, there’s a planet that’s hidden from the naked eye, filled with magical energies and beings that exist as mythical creatures, the Planet Magica. From there, anthropomorphic ponies live in harmony, using magic for their daily life. 

On their discovery, the ponies discovered, for the first time, advanced technology in the form of an unknown starship colony, the Odyssey and giant mecha, Combat Assault Machine or C.A.M.

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Report GundamBrony · 305 views ·
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Thank you for the favorites of my new story

Thank you for the favorites

Thanks for adding MLP - Equestria Girls: The Magic of Friendship to your favorites :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the fave.

Thank you so much for adding Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

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