• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2021
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  • 11 weeks

    Today marks the day I’ve reached 100 followers on fimfiction. I never could’ve imagine I could reach such a milestone. Thank you all for the love and support, everybody. I love you all:twilightsmile:

    3 comments · 94 views
  • 29 weeks
    Everything’s fixed!

    After countless attempts to guess my fimfiction account password, I’ve finally got it right. Now I’m back on my account on my computer. Happy Day! Hopefully something like this will never happen again.

    6 comments · 186 views
  • 30 weeks
    I need help!

    I use a computer to create new chapters for my stories. For some reason, I’ve been logged off my account on my computer, completely out of my control. I can’t log back in because I don’t remember my password. I can’t reset it because that requires me to access my iCloud account which I’ve haven’t logged into a while (honestly, I don’t know why I chose my iCloud account to set up my fimfiction account.) I don’t remember the password to my iCloud account and all attempts to reset that have been

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    8 comments · 231 views
  • 30 weeks
    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. I hope everyone has fun being with family and enjoying the holidays. Be sure to be thankful for the gifts and food and have a wonderful Christmas

    Side note: The next installment of the latest Friendship is Cine-magic should come soon.

    2 comments · 77 views
  • 35 weeks
    Happy Thanksgiving

    Another year brings another Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday of being with family and having things to be thankful for.

    1 comments · 89 views

100 Followers! · 11:31pm May 4th

Today marks the day I’ve reached 100 followers on fimfiction. I never could’ve imagine I could reach such a milestone. Thank you all for the love and support, everybody. I love you all:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 109 )
  • Viewing 105 - 109 of 109

3448697 you should keep this in mind. OK just asking.

True, but what if they might End up fight king ghidorah The next time they meet Godzilla again and probably meet King Kong in The next future stories, Like Meet Kong in skull Island in Kong skull island . Or meet Godzilla again, in Godzilla king of the monsters, but this time they became Titans like him by By magic or nuclear waste or radiation or whatever.because they might fight king ghidorah the next time they meet him again and or probably meet both him and King Kong in godzilla vs Kong where you know either me him or Kong first, two titans fight each other and then fight mechaGodzilla. once again in they fairly own Titans form. Or probably join forces with them to fight scar king and saves Shimo from the control of the crystal with new titans friends, defeat new enemies titans, and save humanity. Once again in they own tiTans forms. Be honest with me why did I ask or question if they going to be titans in the next story if they going to meet Godzilla. Or going to meet him next. Just being honest and see what happens if they were Titans in his world. Okay.? PS it also helps your next stories suggestion and ideas for your stories and if you want to do a King Kong stories or a another Godzilla story, Godzilla vs Kong and Godzilla x Kong a new empire story and I’m excited to see that and read it OK.

In some situations it might be a good idea. However, I don't see a reason to make them titans with how I want the story to go.

Sounds simple or not? because I think in my mind it sounds or it stupid

3448649 OK, let’s make it simple, I feel like that if they were Titans like him they could probably try to help him and save humanity with him if they were titans and learn about his backstory and twilight and Fluttershy might be able to tame him and stop evil Kaiju that are attack humanity and Godzilla and The Titan six and spike (That’s the nickname for them if they were Titans, like him) to save the day on the top of that c they got hit by a curse spell that made them Titans Once again on the top they will go back to normal size when they completed the mission and the spell might be broken I don’t know what I’m am saying from that but just a thought

  • Viewing 105 - 109 of 109
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