• Member Since 18th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen September 5th


Took a rather long Hiatus from FimFiction writing, but I'm back now, hopefully a bit more reliability


Before they could complete their mission, and rescue the last of the Matoran, the Toa once again attempted to vanquish their old foe, the Makuta, after he escaped from his prison. Instead of standing, the Makuta fled, prompting the Toa to follow, and step into a world unlike any they had ever seen before.

Set after the Web of Shadows, but before the Mask of light.
Characters and tags will be added later
If you dislike the story, please tell me why in the comment section. I can only be as good as my feedback allows me to be.
Note, I am basing 99% of my knowledge off the films.

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 320 )

alright, this seems alright but a word of advice,

if I didn't know anything about the toa metru or bionicle in general, the part with them would have made so sense at all. I suggest filling newomers in on who they are and their past experiences so they have an idea who they are.

also, explain Makuta, so far he's just some evil guy that was defeated.

but still, not too bad of a start considering

Good point. I'll go back and change that slightly, or I'll cover it more in the next chapter.

Love the story so far, as stated by others explain for new comers and also use this site to farther go into the bionicle part and facts

You're doing great so far, though I would recommend you use more le metru language for matau,
Like the le-Toa
commonly do in the movies and novels

Keep up the great work, I love the way it is going so far


A Bioncle crossover. You have already earned my like and favorite before I have even had the chance to read it. All the mustaches for making a crossover that has a big part of childhood mixed with one of, if not, my favorite cartoon now. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

"Celestia created Equestria"

Hey. Leave my head cannon alone. It kinda make sense. Probably only to me but that's beside the point.

2561059 well i think you should take a look at bioniclesector01 for bioicle information, makuta has become a much more complex character ever since greg farshtey (bionicles story author) really got a hold on the story. and makuta's real name is teridax (because by like 2006 or 07 it was revealed that "makuta" was actually a species and that the being in bionicle universe didn't usually refer to them by their actuall names, the makuta each was in charge of a region in bionicle and teridax was in charge of metru nui)

however, so far I like this story. I also recommend you read up on the entire story of mata nui (the character) and makuta

Hm, not bad, not bad... I'm gonna see how this goes.

The one thing that comes to mind from this story is

Pure epicness:rainbowdetermined2:
For that I give you a well deserved mostache:moustache:

Okay, first thing. You (or your processor) have replaced NO-kama with VA-kama. Gets confusing.

Second - Mask of Mind Control vs Stare. I got 50 Widgets on Onewa. (What? I'm a bigger BIONICLE fan than a Brony fan.)

What, so Vakama and Nokama have been mixed up? Damn it, why do all the names have to be so similar.

I'd have to say it's a toss up on the Onewa vs. Fluttershy thing. Got to wonder why Nuju can't just freeze peoples feet to the ground though... That should end this fairly quick.

I like this story but I doubt a pony can pin down a toa, except luna I understand that, especially rarity I know she isn't wimpy but I doubt she can pin down whenua,

Also, didn't you see her in Canterlot wedding?

2711568 yes but you also have to remember that the toa are biomechanical and can handle quite a bit of punishment, I can understand luna taking one on though. and will the toa use their elemental powers in the next chapter, I can see water or ice being able to end this without any real harm being done, and by this time the toa metru have a good amount of control over their element.

They will use their powers. To be honest, I may have forgotten about them in this chapter, which is why they didn't use them. It won't happen again.

2713313 good. Remember they can do things like make heat so hot it turns metal molten, or make giant pillats of ice and stone, or make high pressure water streams

Quick question. How long would it take Vakama to actually out out a large scale fire? Would it be sort of he just looks at it and it disappears, or does he have to concentrate for just a bit? Just want to get my facts straight.

2715549 he would have to concentrate for a bit, using elemental powers like that always takes a bit of concentration although the more experienced the quicker you can do it, i assume with his level of skill he could put it out fairly quickly. but that's not the only option he can also absorb the heat, but he would have to release all he heat he absorbed also, he could just make the absorbed heat into a blast and aim it at the sky.

Good. That's how I was going to portray them, I just wanted to check I wouldn't be going against cannon.

2715655 actually im sorry i was a bit misinformed too, toa can't make their element disappear, they can create more of it and control existing amounts, and absorb it but not destroy it. however vakama could still absorb all of the fire into himself and send it away in a blast.

here is a site that im sure will help a lot

im am pretty sure that they don't know teridax is his name because makuta usually don't give away their actual names to the people of the places they watch over, which is why most beings just refer to them as "makuta" instead of their actual names. teridax was known as the makuta of metru nui. makuta is the name of his species but not his actual name, however I think that even if the toa knew his actual name they would just refer to him as makuta, both amongst eachother and actual creatures. and I like this story so far keep up the good work!

:rainbowdetermined2:Looking good.
Have a well deserved moustache:moustache:

Alright looking good. But read over this one more time just to find all the little things you missed. Like forgetting to end a sentence and missing letters in worlds. Oh yeah, almost forgot. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Lovin' this story!

oh and remember there are more than just the 6 elements, the other toa elements are sonics, plasma, magnetism, plantlife, gravity, lighting, iron(or anything metal), psionics(psychic/mental energy), and light. although I am sure no toa using those elements will be in youre story I just wanted to point that out

2719323 That is a pretty good point, however I, personally, am unsure if this was known at the time of Web of Shadows.

Damn good story, another quality chapter and I'll move this to fave's.

2720006 the element of sonics was known by time trap, which I think is a bit after web of shadows, in time trap vakama gets a vision from the future when a strange creature, a kratana (which looks like a weird combination of a krana and kraata) latches onto his face and he sees krakua who is a toa of sonics

“The majority of our world are Matoran, separated into six villages, Ta-Metru, Ga-Metru, Le-Metru, Po-Metru, Onu-Metru and Ko-Metru.” Whenua began.

Sorry if this is Nit-picking, but Metru Nui was divided into districts, the Matoran only lived in villages on Mata Nui

Vakama, you are the first Toa ever to recieve a Brohoof.
:pinkiehappy:That is epic!
Anyways, :rainbowdetermined2:keep up the good work.


im glad no one holds any animosity

oh matau :facehoof:
why do almost all Le-matoran and Toa of air (not including Nidikhi) have to be so stubborn? :facehoof:

excuse the language
Damnit! what kind of Toa-heroes lose that easily?

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