• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Who am I? Why, I'm just a passing through Kamen Rider... Got it memorized?

PoisonClaw's Proofreading Projects


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Current Projects

Completed Projects

The Stars of Nightmare Moon - Mysterious Stranger
Roll For Initiative - Prak
Gravity - Avox
Shaking off the Sediment - TheTiredQuill
Dance - TheTiredQuill
"Why Don't You have Queens?" - Flint-Lock
Fluttershy Takes Manehattan - VitalSpark
How to Cure the Feather Flu - Short Stories
Crystal Waters - SparkBrony
Dear Princess Twilight, my name is Spider Web, and I am a changeling... - Lisa Eclaire
Muffins for Luna - Leo Skogkatt
Guardian Angel - SparkBrony
Applejack Learns To Rock Smash - BleedingRaindrops
A Distracted Lesson - Raichu
One Night In A Storm - Shrink Laureate
Detective Rease and Adventure of the Double Identity - RQK
My Wings Will Keep You Safe - Brony250
Midnight's Shadow: Succession Crisis - Ponibius
Reflections - RQK
What Else Could Go Wrong? - Ponibus
Hearts in the Right Places - Ponibus
Love Takes Work - Ponibus
Swimming Lessons - reynard
Little Lost Raichu - CommanderX5
Princess Twilight and the Disastrously Daunting Delegates - Ponibus
Faded Rays - Light Heart101
Midnight's Shadow: Tainted Legacies - Ponibus
Caramel Drop - Maple Draft
Freeport Venture: City Of Giants - Ponibus
Foal Fever - Ponibus
Daddy Saw Me Smooching Apple Bloom - darklordcomp
Freeport Venture: Tears in the Rain - Ponibius
Midnight's Shadow: The Bog Witch - Ponibius
Zebrabwe's Secret - GMBlackjack
Get Clean: Dirty Moon - AzuraKeres
A Dazzling World - Spyder27
LOOK AT THAT GUY!!! - Inkblotter
What's Best For Tempest - OllerusTheFailure

Friendship is SHOWTIME!! - MangaKamen
To Arms, Mavericks of War - MangaKamen
Wings of Steel - SparkBrony
Statue Garden - Nodoubtbuodon
Equestria Enduring - Gnarlwood
Fallout Equestria: The Drowned - JArtisonW
Gears - Flying Fantasy Horse
Rise of the Apple Princess - Astral Phoenix
Silent Ponies - Calamity Velvet
CyberPone - Lone Writer
Compatibly Incompatible - Ponibius




Overdue Update Blog · 8:00pm Jun 4th, 2021

Hello, all my patient readers. You might have noticed that I've been a little quiet lately, and there are a few reasons for that, the largest of which is that recently my drive to write has become pretty much nil lately. I am still working on writing some things, but progress is proving to be so slow that I figured it was about time I got around to updating you all on the progress of all my unfinished stories.

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Report PoisonClaw · 716 views ·

Blog Posts

  • 192 weeks
    Overdue Update Blog

    Hello, all my patient readers. You might have noticed that I've been a little quiet lately, and there are a few reasons for that, the largest of which is that recently my drive to write has become pretty much nil lately. I am still working on writing some things, but progress is proving to be so slow that I figured it was about time I got around to updating you all on the progress of all my unfinished stories.

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    1 comments · 716 views
  • 225 weeks
    New Chapter of Gundam Build Fighters: EGs Coming Tomorrow

    No, this isn't an out of season April Fool's joke. Even if I have to stay up half the night to do it, this chapter is finally getting finished, come hell or high water!

    2 comments · 391 views
  • 228 weeks
    Equestria Girls/Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Files #4

    Files #1
    Files #2
    Files #3

    This time I'm showcasing two more good Stand Users, one of which is a rather unexpected ally...

    Stand Name: [Sugar Rush]
    Alternate Name: [Sugary Race]
    Stand User: Pinkie Pie
    Appearance: None

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    2 comments · 408 views
  • 231 weeks
    Equestria Girls/Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Files #3

    Files #1
    Files #2

    It's that time again for me to share more of my notes and ideas I came up with from my scrapped crossover fic idea.

    Stand Name: [Diamond Eyes]
    Alternate Name: [Crystal Eyes]
    Stand User: Rarity

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    1 comments · 422 views
  • 233 weeks
    Equestria Girls/Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Files #2

    I said I was going to do it, and I meant it, so here are two more character bios from my scrapped Jojo's Bizarre Adventure crossover idea.

    Stand Name: [Beneath My Wings]
    Alternate Name: [Under My Feathers]
    Stand User: Rainbow Dash
    Appearance: Pidgeot but with blue feathers and a rainbow head crest
    Power: Super Speed
    Reference: Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler


    Destructive Power - C

    Speed - A

    Range - B

    Durability - C

    Precision - B

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    3 comments · 543 views
  • 234 weeks
    Yet Another Update Post

    Let's get the obvious out of the way first so we can move onto other things...


    It has not been a fun time for anyone, as you can imagine. Even as things start to go back to some kind of semblance of normal in most of the world, there's still this overlapping fear in the air that has everyone on edge, which has not made things easy for me over the last few months.

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    3 comments · 499 views
  • 255 weeks
    Still Alive

    Yep, I'm not dead. Real Life's just been a real pain these last few months and sapping any desire I have to write, and this self-isolation isn't helping matters. It says something when someone like me, an introvert who doesn't go out that often, is starting to go a little stir crazy after being cooped up inside for so long...

    1 comments · 376 views

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