Who am I? Why, I'm just a passing through Kamen Rider... Got it memorized?
Found 37 stories in 46ms
Total Words: 299,915
Estimated Reading: 19 hours
Ever since the day he was born, Prince Blueblood has been cursed to have a Soul Mark, a line of script on his body that would be the first words his soulmate would ever say to him. As the years go by, Blueblood becomes more and more disillusioned in the idea of ever finding his one true Soulmate, to the point of giving up on the idea altogether.
Until one day, when his soulmate unexpectedly runs into him...
A crackship idea I've had for a while now and finally gotten around to writing.
Inspired by AlphaRidley's SoulMate AU idea.
For all his life, Gallus had been alone, an outcast ignored by his people, and left to fend for himself out in the cold Griffonstone streets. Even now, after gaining a group of friends he knew he could trust to Tartarus and back, Gallus still longed for the one thing he had never had.
Somewhere he could finally belong.
Somewhere he could finally call... home.
Ocellus should have expected this question to come up someday. She really should have...
Just a silly little thing I thought of and had to write down.
Korean Translation by Ad Hoc
Audio Reading by ajvasquezbrony28
(Takes place after S9 E9, Sweet and Smoky)
Smolder is proud that her brother was able to finally be himself without fearing being ridiculed. Now if only she could find it in herself to do the same...
This story is a sequel to A Talk With the Tree of Harmony
With the Tree of Harmony gone, the Map in Twilight's castle has gone dark and, despite her best attempts, Twilight is unable to reactivate the Map now that its source of power is gone.
Until one day, when her and her friend's cutie marks suddenly begin to glow with a slowly fading light, like a dwindling soul crying out for help...
Proofreading done by RQK and the cover art was provided by Ultra-the-HedgeToaster
During a routine visit to Equestria to see Princess Twilight, Sunset decides to bring her pet Ray along with her. Only... she wasn't quite expecting what he would turn into on the other side of the portal...
With Equestria's magic back where it belongs, Twilight's school continues with its lessons into the Magic of Friendship. With classes finished for the day, however, Twilight decides it's time she finally investigated the chambers beneath the school. There she will have the chance to talk with a being she'd only dreamed of getting the chance to talk to:
The Tree of Harmony.
Proofread and edited by RQK.