• Member Since 18th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 9th, 2020


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Season 4 Premiere · 4:41pm Nov 24th, 2013

Images courtesy of EQD, DocWario, and DragonChaser123

Ripped off from Inspired by Ciroton's retrospective reviews.

==For any and all who have yet to see the season 4 two-part premiere, there be SPOILERS ABOUND below. You have been warned.==


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Report NodoubtbuodoN · 563 views ·
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Some of the best Stories hold no end


Do you think you'll ever continue Statue Garden?
If not, could you put the Cancelled or Hiatus tag on it?

2014 was a significant year for me, and I may do a blog post about it when I post a new chapter (or at least mention something about the huge delay in the author's notes). What I can assure you is that I haven't given up on the story.

Could you please continue Statue Garden?
I have waited so long for this.

  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36
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