• Member Since 6th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Just a normal changeling who likes to read fan fiction and make videos about them. And yes, I take requests.

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Who is Changeling Number 32?

That would be me, your local fan fiction reviewing insect! I also have Joel, my co-host and editor.

What do you make?

Fan fiction reviews on YouTube. Our goal is to make at least one review per month at least one review every other month a review whenever we can.

Why does it take so long for videos to come out?

Joel has a full-time job and has a bad habit of stretching himself thin. Even when he does have time to work on the reviews, he doesn't always want to. Couple that with his frustrating perfectionism and it can take weeks to finish even a short video.

Do you take suggestions?

We will gladly listen to what our viewers want to see, but we don't make any promises. Remember, the longer the fan fiction, the longer it will take to review it.

What won't you read?

Straight up porn. Anything else is fair-game.

What kind of videos won't you make?

Let's plays or blind reactions. Our improv comedy sucks.

Are you qualified to review fan fictions?


Are you going to use Patreon?

No. Unlike every other Pony YouTuber, we are doing well financially. This is our hobby, not our job.

What equipment do you use?

Yeti Microphone, Premiere Pro, and a Canon 70D.

Are you seriously a changeling?

Yeah, why do you ask?


In case you missed it! · 12:59am Oct 20th, 2023

Here are my latest videos!

Report ChangelingNumber32 · 79 views ·

Stories I've Reviewed

Comments ( 181 )
  • Viewing 177 - 181 of 181

I'm hanging in there. My father passed away in January, so it's been a very emotionally exhausting past few months.

How are you?

Hope you had a great birthday! :coolphoto:

Been very good, finished two chapters and currently working on two more for my story, Beyond Infinity.

  • Viewing 177 - 181 of 181
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