• Member Since 14th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen April 27th

Written Sound

Can't believe I'm 25... So much has changed and almost nothing has stayed the same, I miss the old days... 10 years on this site... hot da#%


Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Still Alive !! · 5:06pm Feb 26th, 2019

Just wanted to list the recent changes in my not so interesting life

~Started working as a bowling alley mechanic early last month
~Finally cleaned out my old room and began moving into it
~Having a nice relationship since December
~Gf's mom let me house sit for an entire weekend :pinkiegasp:
~Attempting to pick up streaming again, though my work schedule will conflict with that
~Still plan on going to college for aviation mechanics
~Haven't sketched anything in way too long

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Report Written Sound · 270 views ·

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Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. still alive...

~Started working as a bowling alley mechanic
~Finally cleaned out my old room and began moving into it
~Having a nice relationship since December
~Attempting to pick up streaming again, though my work schedule will conflict with that
~Still plan on going to college for aviation mechanics
~Haven't sketched anything in too long
~Still a neet
~21 now, all downhill from here

A whole lotta nothing this way brings

Finally getting life together, found work again, keeping a stable relationship.
Lots of life choices being made.

Currently a Professor at Eden Campus

Finished reading stories, be warned there are Clop fics in here. . . maybe. . .

Comments ( 64 )
  • Viewing 45 - 64 of 64

Thanks for the watch and adding to a lot.

I hope you enjoy the story! :pinkiecrazy:

2198335 I enjoyed the "evil father who thought he was doing it for the greater good" arc type.
I also enjoyed how you portrayed Sombra

Hey! Thanks for the read on "The Alicorn King's Glare" and the favorite! Would you mind if you asked how I earned it?:twilightsmile:

1942349 -shrugs- Happy birthday probably.

gracias for follow but why

Good, to early if that was the case

u gettin boned yet

1911793 Ya thats the girl in IRL that I have been going on dates with.

Sondra......is she the one in real life.....my head has been hurting so I don't rememebr

1911787 Well more or less I need a break from the group, I also need to stop staying up till 3 or 4 in the morning, that will actually kill me......
Also I've been spending more time with sondra and talking to her a lot, so there's that.

you cannot hide from me....why yo nu Skype...the artwork I get but you literally comatose yourself on there


1910556 Mhmm, you've got that right.

1910531 Amen to that.
I want wings.
but I want to lose vertigo too.
so it's an unintentional woodentoaster rip.
I know how stuff like that goes.

1910380 No actually, though I can see how you would think this.
The original idea of my 'Written Sound' OC honestly came to my uncle was teaching me a few chords on the guitar, the conversation went like this.
me/ Why exactly do you write the chords sideways ?
Uncle/ Well I write them like this because I like to think that I'm looking down at my fingers and the fret board.
Me/ Oh. . . can you help me write down the sound ?
Uncle/ Sure, what do you want to call this piece of music ?
Me/ How about Written Sound ?
Uncle/ *chuckles* Why Written Sound ?
Me/ Just look at it. You write down what you need to play. When you do play it, the written notes become sound.
Uncle/ . . . Hmm, go for it.

And that was How I came up with the name.
The main style honestly changed from a RD cookie cutter type to more of a beatles vibe.
The eyes are a forest green or hazel color, my actual eye color, and the coat I more or less wanted to be a wheat yellow or light mustard coloring.
And the funny thing about being a pegasus is that I am fascinated with flight, but I am afraid of heights:twilightsheepish:.

1910501 Woooop
*accepts the Nuka-Cola, pulls out a pocket knife and pops the top*
Thanks !!

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