• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen March 18th


Hey! I like Derpy. And butts. And Derpy's butt. Other butts are cool too, though. ~TOOWC

TOOWC's (slowly) growing list of Songs You Should Hear

That's it. Laser sharks. That fight for america. From space. With laserbeams. Is it really that hard to comprehend?


Goals Post · 10:04pm Mar 16th, 2014

Things I want to accomplish on Fimfiction;
(X) Write a story
(_) Write 5 stories
(_) Write 10 stories
(_) Write 50 stories
(X) Get 100 followers
(X) Get 250 followers
(_) Get 500 followers
(_) Get 1000 followers
(X) Get Skeeter the Lurker to follow me (All of my what)
(X) Slowly grow until I'm recognized by many / at least 500 (the amount of people in my group leads me to believe I've accomplished this)
(_) Get Knighty to follow me
(X) Get a story in the popular box

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Report TheOnlyOneWhoCared · 679 views ·

Endings and Beginnings. · 5:02am Aug 7th, 2018

So, as I'm sure most of you know- Candy is over. The story is done, and... that's it. There's a sequel/reboot in progress, titled 'From Their Hearts', and I'm already working on the first chapter with Patric.

There's no cover art or description yet- as we've just started today- but expect something to be up before the week is out.

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Comments ( 297 )
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Thanks for following me, I hope that I can continue to publish material that you enjoy reading.

Did you get my last PM?

Hey, thanks for the follow.

It's okay, cutie. Sorry for not replying in such a long time. Visit me on Steam, kay?

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