• Member Since 31st Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen February 2nd


Just another semi-successful clop writer

Commission Information

Commission Slot: Closed

Waiting List

$10 per thousand words is the base price.
$5 per thousand words over the original quoted amount if necessary and agreed upon

I will most likely work with you on a price if you are genuinely interested

I will write a large amount of fetishes, look at the linked blog post for a more detailed list. But a safe bet is that if its in or similar to what I already wrote, or plan to write, in my stories, its fair game for commissions.

If you want me to write things that I generally don't write, we can talk, but I have the right to refuse anything.

If you are interested, send me a PM here in the following format

Desired Length
Characters included
The Idea, written as clearly as possible, in a way that makes sense. Please try to use proper spelling and punctuation, just makes it easier for me to process it.
Hours I can get into contact with you, by skype or email. I think its easier to really narrow down what is wanted by talking live.



State of the Author · 11:18pm Oct 11th, 2016

Hey everyone, I hope you're all having a fantastic October so far. Careful though, the skeletons are runing around spooping people, so stay on guard.

Alright, that's the last meme reference I swear! Check below the page break for a status update about myself, and my rough plans for the future.

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Report Gold4tune · 1,623 views · Story: The Side Effects of Molly ·
Comments ( 90 )
  • Viewing 86 - 90 of 90

Thanks for adding Electro Swing to your favorites. I hope you enjoy it as it develops!

Thanks for the favorite for Star Trek: Phoenix! :twilightsmile: If you haven't already, feel free to let me know what you thought in the comments.

So...??? Are we EVER EVEN GETTING A CONTINUATION OF YOUR STORY, "THE SIDE EFFECTS OF MOLLY".........????????? :rainbowdetermined2: :rainbowhuh: :rainbowdetermined2:

  • Viewing 86 - 90 of 90
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