• Member Since 10th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Hail to the king!


Updates and a new story · 2:59am Jul 13th, 2021

Well, it's been a hot minute, hasn't it?

After about 6 years of stagnation, I'm finally getting my shit together and moving forward. Which means no more letting life happen to me, and no more empty promises about my fanfic writing. I'm throwing ideas at the wall right now for Life of a Dragon, and I'm finally getting started on my new story. Probably gonna delete Hellriders, because of the unholy amounts of cringe that radiates from that pile of apeshit.

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tea or coffee?

Hey thanks for favoriteing that one story.... you know which one i'm taking about


Thanks for the fave of 'Red shoe Diaries: Equestria'! :)

If you liked that, you might also like my other mature fic, 'Full Bloom'. :)

Thanks for the fave on "Mashing All of Mommy's Buttons"! :twilightsmile:

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