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Will do
Send them to me, go in as much detail as you like. I'm certainly not afraid to read. Just be prepared to edit anything I might accept and work on.
I actually have a few Dash pairings in mind, along with both a Slice of Life and M-rated idea to go along with each.
And there is one pairing that doesn't necessarily involve Dash as part of it, but she would be integral to the plot.
(I say all of this because I was wondering if I could send those specific ideas to see if you'd be willing to at least use part of them)
Midnight Romps is more-or-less tied to the canon of TLL. As far as requests go, you could probably ask me about a pairing in particular, and I might have a plan for them in my notes? I'm going to go out on a limb and infer that what you have in mind is centered around Dash? lol
When you put it that way, it does makes sense.
I guess I just sort of have an over-inflated sense of what's fair in regards to RD's treatment when she gets embarrassed in fics like that on account of her being my favorite member of the mane 6.
To me the whole "she got drunk" part mostly excused her when I quickly read it.
In hindsight, yeah, AJ was kind of more in the right there.
Probably won't go back to actively reread it, or if I do the story will more or less end for me when they leave the bar (sometimes I do that with even fics I love: I end up stopping at a certain point after the climax) mostly for that hangup about Dash being embarrassed.
As for other ideas, would you be willing to take one for Midnight Romps, or is that effectively cancelled for good?
If so, then I have a different idea that would work as an epilogue to one of the episodes of the show.