• Member Since 27th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 5th, 2023


Nerd, Dungeon Master, Aspiring Author, Brony.

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DeathBattle - Pinkie vs Deadpool · 8:00pm Dec 3rd, 2016

So for anyone who hasn’t heard, the next deathbattle will feature the Merc with a Mouth going up against a certain Party Pony. As a massive nerd and fan of both characters, I decided to dig into this fight a bit and make a prediction about who will most likely win. I’m a bit behind the Deadpool comics at the moment, so please tell me if I left out any important feats or items that might help him.

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Hi, Vedues. I've sent you a private message, but you haven't read it yet. Maybe you didn't receive it?

I decided I wanted to try and get a book published, so I spent about a year developing my own world with a unique history and magic system. The idea was to have a space so big and varied that any story I could think of would fit in it somewhere. I've been revising some of my fanfics to fit in the new world, including Applejack's Butt, and making some new stories for it as well.

Some professional authors have advised getting a few manuscripts ready and trying to publish them all within a short period of time to help build hype and momentum for you as an author. So that's what I'm doing at the moment. I've got two manuscripts that are about ready and a third I just started. I'll try to get an agent and push for publication once the third is done, and of course, I'll shamelessly tell everyone here and beg them to buy a copy if they're able and/or want to.

Non-fanfic version? Care to explain?

The sequel with Rarity went through a bunch of changes. I'm actually in the middle of writing the non-fanfic version, though progress is slow. I'm hoping to publish it alongside the non-fanfic version of Applejack's Butt. No clue if it'll work out that way, but we'll see.

Just knowing people enjoy my writing is plenty of support. Thanks!

Also I recall that you told me about a rarity story right? Another romance story

Is that gonna come out soon?

Also I wanted to know if there is any other place I could support you at lol

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