Sorry. · 1:36pm Oct 8th, 2014
Sorry about this boys and girls. I just got a job and now I'm working. I'm working 12 hours and its 7pm to 7am. Thats right graveyard shift. For the time I might not be putting up new chapters for a bit but just know I'm working on the next chapter of the story of Master of Shadows. Now then I will be using my phone to read and to write you back if you feel like it. I get to use my phone at work and they don't mind this is the coolest job other than the heat. I'm running a furnaces that makes
Thanks for the watch
1227410 Your welcome.
HHHHHHEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO, Peace Bolt, and thank you for the follow!
I really do appreciate it!
Here's to ponies.