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Diamond Level Stories
Apotheosis Twilight and Luna explore a land that appears on no map by Daetrin 46,300 words · 2,760 · 46
The Taste Of Grass Within The Conversion Bureau Universe, Newfoal immigrants face settling new lands within Equestria. Unfortunately, not one of them knows how their new universe actually works. by Chatoyance 117,077 words
My Little Dashie What would you do if you found a Filly Rainbow Dash in a box? by ROBCakeran53 12,524 words · 13,448 · 821
These are the stories that have gone above and beyond. Few ever make to the exclusive rank of Diamond level. Only the best of the best, those stories that just by having read them, changed the way I look at things. If you have not yet read these I HIGHLY suggest you do so.
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InfiniteBrony follows 8 users
Omg! You are back and updated one of my favourite story.
Please come back and start updating stories again!!
Oh look. You're still dead.
You will be missed.
Oh look. You're dead.
Hey, thanks for the favorite! I'm
horrifiedglad that you're enjoying my story!1125191
Pppffttt-pppfftt-ppfftt-ppffffffffftttttt *pop*!
~Signed, InfiniteBrony
Thanks for the fave.
Thank you for following and favoriting Revenge of Nightmares
I hope you enjoy the story and if you want please leave feedback or comments on the story.