• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago


My favorite heros are villians.


Moved! · 5:21pm Apr 23rd, 2023

I'm writing this from my new place, about 20 minutes away from my old place. This one is a condo, with about 500 more square feet, an extra half bath (for 2.5 total), a tankless water heater, and 2 count 'em 2 long flights of stairs - one up from the underground parking and one from the 1st floor to the 2nd. I haven't counted the stairs yet but it definitely works as cardio. I feel bad for my poor partner. She's mobility impaired and walks with a cane, and we just signed a 30 year mortgage on a

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Hoo ah. A fellow oldies that's still around like me.

Thanks for the follow!

Thank you very much for adding Away to your favourites, I appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

You’ve got a good bio quote.

Thank you for adding Double Trouble to your favorites! That’s a huge compliment, and is very much appreciated!
If you wouldn't mind, I would greatly appreciate it if you would share your opinion of the story--either by comments or messages. It would mean a lot to me, as my readers’ opinions and observations help me become a better writer.

Thanks again!


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