...Then Let Me Be Evil! 122 members · 46 stories

"I tried to be good. I really did. But if that's not good enough, fine! Let's get back to basics!"
- Harley Quinn

There is only so much hate, so much misfortune, so much abuse that one can stand before sorrow becomes hatred, light becomes consumed by darkness, the need for friendship becomes a desire for vengeance. You can only treat someone like a monster for so long before they start acting like a monster.

TL:DR - This is a group for stories where someone who is nice or, at the very least, innocent of any intentional crime, is pushed to the edge and turns evil, or at least villainous.

This is not for stories about canon villains and their start of darkness.

Please submit any stories that fit the theme.

Comments ( 2 )
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and very good this idea and with twilight and used more during the wedding of candence / crysaliss and brilliant armor, because of the attempt (stupid but still) of twinlight to warn about crysaliss

and very good this idea and with twilight and used more during the wedding of candence / crysaliss and brilliant armor, because of the attempt (stupid but still) of twinlight to warn about crysaliss

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