Sunset Shimmer Is Best Human 417 members · 574 stories

Welcome to Sunset is best human!

Group to Sunset Shimmer stories and fans!


-Hate for Sunset Shimmer is not allowed! If you sumbit stories That Have Hate on Sunset Shimmer, you'll be Banned, And If Hate comments of Sunset appear, We will delete them.

-No arguing or Fighting, This is a friendly group.

-Gore/Dark and sex stories Are Allowed.

-This group is ONLY For Sunset Shimmer, So don't be a idiot and don't sumbit stories That are NOT about Sunset.
And have Fun!

Comments ( 10 )
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Hi Everypony,
For those of you don't know, I'll be writing the first chapter of my first Fimfic in the next month. Now, I have the base of the fimfic, which is, "If Sunset Shimmer was the Girl-Who-lived". However, I'm having trouble deciding on a name. Here are the three ideas I have come up with:
A Magical Truth
A Truly Magical World
The Pony-Girl-Who-Lived
Let me know which one you think sounds good. Or if you can come up with a better name, let me know

So, I search stories when Sunset still have her more tough side, ready to throw punchs and insult sincerely if pissed off.

Wrath is a normal emotion, and I don't like when Sunset have problems with others because they don't like her more harsh side.

I don't ask for a evil/toxic sunset story, but one when she is still the proud and harsh Sunset Shimmer, even if she have a soft side, and she is not victim of goody two shoes morale for it.

For example, Sundowner have her being a tough women, but to her two loved ones, she is a kind and caring persons, and they don't criticize her for it as far as I understand unless it is really unfair although they are her girlfriend and adoptive pupil, so it's not the same thing, also she is the most powerful and the oldest of the bunch

Hey there, the name is Fernando1717 , i like Sunset Shimmer and also Big Mac so I did a story about both of them, hope I'm allowed to stay and that you like my stories. Thanks

I like Sunset Shimmer a lot. She is such a loving person and will do anything to make someone's life better, she is also a great character with many great values. She may have made bad decisions in the past, but she is determined not to let those define who she is. Thank you for making this group. Congrats! :heart::heart::heart:

This group's name is truth! Heck, Sunset Shimmer is one of my favorites period.

At first, I didn't like Sunset Shimmer. Then the second EQG film came around and showed the world how you redeem a character on the moral AND meta level! Shimmer for life!

Okay guys, i have a question. Can I submit stories where Sunset Shimmer is not the main main character, but have a enormous role in the story.

403533 Thank you. Yup! She is the best! Have fun in our group. :twilightsmile:

I feel obligated to join this group, for Sunset is da best. Best everything ever.

Comment posted by Twinight deleted Aug 31st, 2015
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