Now that Earth and Equestria have made contact, lots of ponies dream of visiting Earth, and while tourist visas are hard to come by, a few lucky students each year can participate in a foreign-exchange program.
Silver Glow is one of those lucky ponies.
She thought she was prepared for Earth, but can you ever be fully prepared for a truly foreign exchange?
This looks like it's going to be fun. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.
Thank you!
Please tell me you didn't mean that...
I may have to hate you if you put some version of Sarkeesian in a story.
So is it going to be one entry = one subject?
Love this type of story. The pony immigrant/exchange student to the human world type story is my fave type of POE story and being from the pony's perspective makes it even better. Can't wait to see how this goes.
So which university is she attending? One in Michigan?
It's not who you think it is (probably)
Yes; after the first few chapters that's the goal.
Thank you! It's going to be a fun ride, I hope.
Yup, it's in Michigan.
6973633 Sounds interesting.
And considering how good your work usually is, I have no doubt the concept can keep it's promises.
I hope silver doesn't get to homesick, it must be hard being the only pony around for miles, you'd think it might be easier on them to have a few in the same place to help them deal with the culture shock.
Shame she didn't like planes although at least as a pegasus she could get out if she wanted (not that great an idea for the rest of the passengers though)
How about a companion piece with the human coming over to equestrian staying with her family.
I hope so
I thought about that, but that changes the dynamic a bit, at least in my mind. She's had the introductory courses, and of course she can always call
Aquamarine or any of the other ponies.
That sort of came as a surprise to me as well, but in retrospect I thought it was pretty obvious. All her flight instincts would be trying to 'control' the airplane she's on, plus she'd be disoriented by lack of airflow over her body and so on.
See, this is the kind of thing I mentioned in a blog post once (I think). I was thinking how much she'd like flying in an airplane, and then I realized that instead it would be pure torture for a pegasus.
Hmm, that's a possibility. I'll consider it.
Nice chapters. A good tide-me-over till the next Onto The Pony Planet.^^ Nice to see the different viewpoint. XD
I'm looking forward to more of this.
Pegasus on a plane? The next Samual L. Jackson blockbuster.
I'd expect culture shock to hit at some point. Same language might help for that, but from experience being in something that alien? Eventually you have a moment where it all goes topsy turvy.
One thought I had is that traveling in a pressurized cabin could, potentially, make a pegasus airsick. It depends if they can sense altitude. If they do, then once the cabin reaches 8,000' and they look out the window, their inner ear will be telling them they're staying at a constant altitude, while their eyes tell them they're rapidly ascending.
What, no problems going through TSA with steel horseshoes?
I love the idea of cars having cutie marks.
That was wierd. I had a boss named Sarkis Kazarian.
For ideas, there is athletic departments. Track and field would be interesting to participate in. Football tryouts would be interesting but flying would quickly have silver banned. Rifle shooting club might be interesting to talk about.
The obligatory humans eat meat! observation in the cafeteria.
Silver could probably teach meteorology class.
I do not think that a liberal arts major would entice a pony to goto another world to study but the sciences or engineering degrees would. However History or art classes would interest a pony.
Have Silver buzz the dean's office.
The Sci-fi club would be a hoot. Go LARPing.
Just my ramblings.
I like how the journal style flows. It's charmingly personal.
I wonder when she'll notice that a lot of cars have the same cutie mark, name, and coat colour. Will she think it's weird? Speaking of which, I'll bet a pegasus would like riding in a convertible.
She saw a Taco Bell. But does she know what's in those tacos? That might be a bit of a shock.
The plane station was apparently unremarkable? I'm surprised the TSA didn't give her a hard time (you know they would). Or maybe it was just eclipsed by the awfulness of her trip through the stratosphere. Too bad she's not in Japan; the shinkansen might be easier for her to deal with.
Human toilets are weird.
There's a side story coming soon; announced it a blog post back (yeah, double posted blog posts today). Then the next chapter of OPP.
6974145 Excellent.:D
Yeah, agreed. That's totally gonna happen. Doesn't matter how fluent you are in the language, or how much pre-trip prep work you did, there's the moment when it hits.
Good possibility of it. Just like normal motion-sickness. A lot of cues to a normally-flying creature would be messed up.
I wonder if anybody has experimented with birds?
I would think that they'd get special treatment. Besides, we all learned from Pinkie Pie vs. the TSA was a poor idea it is to let a pony go through normal security procedures.
Sure, lots of sports are a possibility. There are rules questions; she might not be able to compete in any sport, but could possibly do exhibition matches. Once there are enough ponies, I suppose that they could participate in some sports.
I think Track and Field would be the most popular sport.
That would have been covered in the pre-Earth orientation. Probably many times, just to make sure that it sunk in. But, hearing about it and seeing it for yourself are two different things. . . .
Yeah. Of course, getting used to the human terminology might take a bit of doing. Going forward a few decades, it's hard to imagine that any weather forecast would be considered 'good' if there wasn't a pegasus making it.
Depends. The college I went to had a very high rate of foreign study, despite being a liberal arts college. Obviously, a different country isn't a different world, but even theatre majors often went abroad. For some people, that was one of the reasons to attend the college.
LARPing with a pony would be awesome. Or SCA--you could have a lot of fun with that.
Plus, I'd totally want to take her to a horse show. Actually, Aquamarine is at a school which often has horse shows.
Thank you!
She'll probably figure out branding before too long. My headcanon is that craftsponies do the same thing, and put their cutie mark on their work (Rarity puts three diamonds on her outfits, for example).
Or an open cockpit airplane . . . well, that would be better than being in an enclosed one. Yeah, I think they'd rather have the wind in their mane.
She'd know that some of them had 'meat' in them, yes. That would be a major thing to omit in the orientation classes.
I already wrote one story along those lines (Pinkie Pie vs. the TSA). I think that they'd have special processes in place for the ponies, especially when they've first come to Earth.
Yeah, she'd probably like a train better. Although I can't help but think she'd still be often trying to use her wings for balance.
I'd watch the hell out of that.
Related: just recently one of my friends posted a meme on Facebook. "Take the last book you read and add 'with a Chainsaw' to it. My result: The Horse with a Chainsaw. I'd read the hell out of that book.
I'd guess the security involved in transferring pony students to Earth (Apparently US) schools was enough to make the usual TSA experience unnecessary. It probably wouldn't have been too strange had they been put on chartered private aircraft instead of public carriers, but the story ...seemed to me to indicate the familiar flying aluminum cattle-cars that we call airliners.
She has my sympathy already, based on that alone.
TMI time: If ponies' diets resemble that of Earth's equines, they'll need to eat large quantities of high-fiber foods--with a result that could well overwhelm a human-designed toilet.
I'm kind of surprised they'd break up ponies into such small groups.
Mmmm, juniper berries.
I keep reading that woman's name as Miss Cheerilee.
What would an Equestrian passport look like? It would probably have a picture of their cutie mark in it in addition to the portrait.
She should attend a philosophy class.
They flew commercial (first class), but they went through a special, VIP screening. Just to avoid problems.
We know from canon that pony diets are a bit different than IRL horse diets. Also, I can say from personal experience that there are types of toilets designed to flush anything. Some of the residents I work with on the weekends put that to the test. in the homes where they know that's an issue, they have the special toilets, and I haven't had to plunge one of them yet. Luckily.
The premise is that Earth/Equestria contact has been around for a while.
If memory serves, isn't that what they make gin out of?
He's a BG pony, in case you were curious. I think he's from the comics.
She and the guy are a well-known duo, but I didn't use their commonly-known names.
I can tell you for certainty it wouldn't be laminated. Only the Ovis embassy does that. Yeah, it would have a picture or drawing of their cutie mark in it.
That's a possibility. I'm channeling (among other things) my college days, and I attended a philosophy class. Hell, for the sake of realism, I could probably find the notebook from that class. I'm enough of a pack rat I probably still have it.
lol Cute chapter.
Part one of the day, or is this really all that happens? Also, I kind of want to know what her impressions are based on the note. Sooner or later she has too see real horses and or read about the pegasus myth.
Part 1. Her roommate shows up, but of course she doesn't write down her impressions until after its happened.
Have my like early.
This is going to be fun.
Cute and intriguing start. By the way, I know you're going for informality and such, but as a pegasus herself, wouldn't it be odd for Silver Glow to say "pegasuses" instead of the correct term "pegasi?"
Minor nitpick to an otherwise strong and endearing start.
Well, this is turning out very cute! I guess I've got a new addition to my "tracking" list.
By the way, to answer your response to another reader, juniper berries are the key ingredient in gin. They're what give it its "piney" taste. (And as an avowed cocktail drinker, I can say that such a description doesn't quite do it justice. )
I remember those chairs.
Interesting little snippets
Dangit shes better at these things than I am.
I didn't get a notification that you posted a new story. I had to find this in the feature box!
I'm just that sneaky.
Fancy seeing you here, Cinna
I think to some degree there's two conflicting ideas here: earth/equestria contact is well established, yet the two are still extremely culturally isolated. These are a bit at odds, but it could easily be explained away by something as simple as "the princesses (and probably some other ambassador ponies- I doubt that we wouldn't know if Silver Glow had been having lessons with the princesses) have had a lot of human contact, so humans are trusted to some degree, but this is an early stage of a civilian exchange program.
Seems pretty interesting so far, I'll definitely be keeping tabs on it. Nice work! A minor nitpick I have, although it's more for if you do this style story in the future: as a courtesy to those of us with slower internet connections and/or who read on mobile sometimes, I'd recommend throwing a weeks worth of journal entries in per chapter; it can be a little annoying to load an entire page just for one more sentence sometimes. However, since this is already underway and everything, this is just a kind of "if you do something like this again in the future" style feedback.
Sorry for kind of rambling, but it's 7 am and I've only had one cup of coffee hehe. I don't quite have my thoughts together yet
I don't see that as strange at all; even today with how interconnected our world is cultures can still be very distinct from each other. This can lead to culture shock. In the case of the ponies this would be compounded by the difference in species.
This looks like it's going well. It will definitely be interesting to find the holes in these girls' understanding of one another and their respective cultures.