• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Dawn Patrol (n): a reconnaissance flight made in the early morning

There's nothing quite like watching the world wake up, and a pre-dawn flight accomplishes that.

Chapters (1)

Sunshine Smiles enjoys the promise of a new day, the rosy reds of dawn, the moment when the new sun's light kisses Equestria.

Moonlight Raven prefers the thoughtful solitude of the night, the soft shadows of moonlight and the peaceful silence of a slumbering city.

Chapters (1)

Some ponies like chocolate or flowers or a trip to the spa, or maybe just staying at home and chilling with their special somepony.

KitKat isn't one of those ponies. Her idea of a perfect Hearts and Hooves Day is . . . different.

Chapters (2)

Having a pony roommate was an adjustment; there was a lot about Earth she had to get used to . . . and a lot of ideas she'd brought with her that you had to get used to.

She was a heck of a cook, though, and didn't mind sharing, so you were more than willing to let her have the kitchen.

And then you came home and discovered that she was making butter. Which she must have known she could buy at the grocery store if she wanted butter.

Now with a Russian translation by Mordaneus!

Chapters (1)

Going into volleyball season, everybody expected Sunset and Kerfuffle to shine—an unstoppable combo at the net, they proved their talent in the first game, crushing rival Crystal Prep.

Then Kerfuffle lost her leg.

And it's all Sunset's fault.

Written for Rewan Demontay for Jinglemas 2023

Chapters (10)

Fueled by courage and armed with technology and a van, the tornado ponies are on Earth to both study tornados for the benefit of humans and gather data to improve predictions. Dusty's a grizzled veteran of storm-chasing, and the ponies were born for it, but neither pegasi nor humans can totally predict where a tornado will go or what it might do.

A story for Ponyville Ciderfest's Scattered Pages

Chapters (1)

Uh oh, Fizzy Glitch has opened the Book of All Stories! Now you have to help decide how the stories end—but choose wisely. Will you pick the hero ending, the chaos ending, or the villain ending? Your choice can change the outcome of the con!

Well, no it won't, not any more.

For those who prefer, the stories are also still up on the app, which can be found HERE. There's a list of codewords in the first comment on the story for all my submissions.

Chapters (37)

Lots of her friends have cars and cruise around Pennsylvania with them, so after researching what kind of car is best for her, Periwinkle goes to a dealership and buys one.

The first time she shows it off, her friends are dubious, but once she explains the advantages it has several of them come around.

Chapters (1)

Some ponies say it's no skill to pull a canal barge, but Mersey knows better. Even algae on the bottom makes the barge pull differently than when it's clean, and its momentum can be a help or a hinderance, depending on the situation.

Locks, docks, and opposing traffic all need to be dealt with, as well as an extra barge in Fens Junction that's going all the way through to Stroudwater. If that wasn't enough, she's got to look after her brother and keep him out of trouble, both on the canal path and at the public house.

Chapters (5)

A storm knocks out the power to Luke and Moonlight Zephyr's house. She doesn't realize the implications of it until she tries to make herself a smoothie.

Not having electricity is, for her, a minor inconvenience. Not having her smoothie is a tragedy, and the obvious solution is to fix the wires.

Luke is not on board with this plan. Power lines are dangerous.

She's not convinced, and she can fly.

Chapters (1)