Update · 12:45pm Apr 27th, 2023
Sorry for the delay with Invicta! Had a busy few weeks IRL and have also started working on a new album that I hope to release later this year that's also very exciting! Should be able to get Chapter 12 out soon!
I write songs about friendship alone in a dark studio.
Sorry for the delay with Invicta! Had a busy few weeks IRL and have also started working on a new album that I hope to release later this year that's also very exciting! Should be able to get Chapter 12 out soon!
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Hi Forest, I noticed that you hadn't been online for a while, I hope you are well and are living life to the best of your abilities.
Here to make your day :3
I didn't know you wrote, too! :O Gosh, you just do it all. :D
Great to be different is my ipad song :)
Dude, I love you so much for writing Great to be Different. Like, omg, you have no idea. Seriously, I love that song so freaking much.