Honest questions at 1 Am · 7:13am Feb 12th, 2016
Real talk here: how many of you people would actually care if I tried rewriting Twin Madness or if I should just leave it dead as it is? I haven't updated in over a year and tbh I haven't written in that time either. So which of the like seven or so people who still read my crappy writing want this to continue.
I'll probably regret asking this in the morning.
Thank you for the fav, kind sir! You're the first on this story!
Thank you for adding "The Iron Horse" to your list of favorites! I hope you will continue to enjoy the story!
Thanks for the fav.
Thanks for favoriting "'Cause I Like You, Silly!". I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for faving EXTERMINA- No! Bad Dalek! may I ask why?