• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago



War. War never changes
The Lyons' Pride was tasked with a simple mission: Clear the Super Mutants from the crash site to let the recovery team go in. Needless to say they didn't expect an energy field to come down and whisk them away from the wasteland.

Now the Pride must find a way back home to the wasteland and bring the tech they recovered with them. Only one question remains: Where are they?

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 42 )

You certainly have something interesting here. A solid start marred only by several grammar issues, mainly commas and your decision to include VATS (just my opinion). I look forward to more.

Dude there is a story very similar to this…I don't know if that means this might be a copyright infringement, but if not I would like to see were this is going.

I'm not making VATS the time stopping super power it is in the game but having it accelerate senses to where the world is slowed somewhat (Like half speed or something) and the grammar issues i need an editor for.

There's a story for everything. Plus i know what you're talking about. I'm purposely trying to avoid any idea stealing from It Must Be Tuesday

Seems interesting so far. I'll keep an eye out for updates. :rainbowdetermined2:

3752601 Can't be copyright infringement, you can't copyright fanfiction, as the copyright is held by the owners of the show/movie/book/game/comic book creators. It'd be more like plagiarism.

You know what i mean. Besides there are countless fics involving the same starting scenario in every genre, HiE or the Fallout new vegas fics using the transportalponder to get to equestria. So as long as i don't copy what he did i am ok.

hmm not bad but you need to slow down and you should better arm your wanderer
i mean going out ageist super mutants with only 1 good weapon i mean there a bakers dozen of weapons you can choose like the wasser wilfe from little lamplight or the metal blaster from the pitt to well you get the idea but still your wanderer is under armed man

I wasn't planning on making him the ultra armed soldier but as the Pride's medic and focus more on that side of it.

3753048 yes i see that but you need to look at it from a fighters point of view are you willing to charge a super mutant with only those weapons i sheer as hell would not unless i had the vengeance Gatling laser even with the pride there to help

I like it, and I'm glad you picked my title suggestion! :twilightsmile:

I've fought them with only the shock sword and only a hunting rifle.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Interesting idea to send the entire Pride to Equestria and have the Wanderer less of a juggernaut. :pinkiehappy:

At the end of the Broken Steel DLC Sarah hints at a romantic interest in the wanderer, will they continue a covert attraction to one another? Not a sappy love story by any means but more or less a crush they each have on the other to which the other doesn't see. That would give Cadence something to do.

On the border of neutral and good

Luck = 1

Yeah he's screwed.

I never really used luck when making characters.

3757041 I see your point, but I keep luck at 5 just to simulate a regular human. However, that's me not you.

Interesting. And finally a fallout crossover that's not the "Fallout Equestria" nonesense

The Mojave Express group has a lot of original fallout fics. check the groups the story is in and you'll find it

Well I'd have to modify the SPECIALs a bit to get it to 5

Luck 1. Does this mean we're in for some critical misses?

3757120 It's ok, I understand. Putting Luck at 1 characterizes the Lone Wanderer as you interpret him.

Well just wait, you'll see why

3752620 Ok I was just warning you, because I didn't want you to get in trouble. If you know that this is ok to do then you are good. I was just giving you the heads up just in case.

Thank you for your consideration. :scootangel:

I got straight 10 with my states for my guy and all I need is grim reaper and its game over man!

Um yeah it is I own the game of the year edition on PC as well as Xbox 360 and I know for a fact that it does just outing that out there

Do you have 3 or New Vegas because i have both and checked the wiki and it's only in NV


Yes I have both it may have been part of a mod pack I downloaded I apologize you were correct

Interesting, but rather dry. You're a bit heavy on details that aren't strictly necessary, like the precise contents of John's inventory. This can actually come back to bite you in the future; while explicitly outlining the armory means you've stocked Chekhov's Armory, ambiguous loadout means you can surprise the audience with Schrödinger's Gun later on. Or Schrödinger's Fat Man, as the case may be. :ajsmug:

Also, Sarah's infodump was horrifically repetitious, given that it's repeating exactly what Three Dog just said. Yes, John doesn't know that, but we do. That means she can give him the sitrep off-camera with no information lost.

Also also, you don't establish John as the Lone Wanderer until far too late in the chapter. I haven't read much Fallout fan fiction, so I don't know if it's enough of a convention that I should assume the unfamiliar character is the PC. Furthermore, there could very well be numerous oblique hints as to his identity that I simply didn't notice. But, as it is, I assumed he was an original character until informed otherwise. About three quarters through the chapter. From where I'm sitting, that's not good. If I'm wrong, feel free to tell me why.

Finally, don't feel completely tied to the game mechanics. You have as much wiggle room as you're willing to give yourself. Actions that aren't strictly possible in the game engine are permissible.

Note that this criticism is offered in the interest of improving the story. There's definite promise here, and I'm looking forward to more. Especially some of John's backstory. There's a lot unsaid about how he got from the Vault to that barstool, a lot of formative experience that will reveal volumes about his character. (Of course, bearing in mind what I said earlier about Schrödinger's Gun, that information may best be saved for a special occasion...)

Until next time, remember Newton-Perlman's First Law of Conflict: war never changes unless acted upon by an outside force. :raritywink:

I already have a lot of John's backstory planned out and will explain it over the course of the story.

Sarah I might have been repetitive with but I might fix that later or not depending on how good I am doing with writing the next chapters.

The loadout might have been limiting him but I am also adding into account the weapons you get in the Zeta to his aresenal. Plus I wanted to make him more realistic in the story by not being able to carry a fat man, 12 assorted rifles, 200 grenades, etc

As for game mechanics I've already changed VATS from the time stopping superpower to where it makes time slow to half speed for John.

Thanks for your input, and hopefully I can make the story better for you.

3920367 Well you have my support if you ever need someone to bounce ideas, I can sometimes be caught hanging around here. :ajsmug:

Please don't be one of those authors that updates about 1000 words every couple of months.

Why do we even have that button? :twilightangry2:

In any case, nice to see this live. I look forward to the further awkwardness of first contact.

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