Left Behind: a new one-shot story · 11:50pm Apr 13th, 2018
I'm back from the dead again and this time with a new one-shot story.
It's about one of the many times a young foal named Pareidolia gets left behind for her mother while doing some shopping due to the mare's forgetfulness. However, when Artemis does notice Pareidolia isn't with her, she's ready to raise hell to find her. Thankfully, she doesn't have to. This time, at least.
Boop :3
Thanks for the fave. :)
Thank you for adding "The Reality I Choose" to your list of favorites! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Make sure you delete those HPNR scraps from your inventory, K?
You added "A Game of Kings and Pretty Pony Princesses" to your favorites?
Oh! I'm as happy as Lennie Small in a puppy farm!