• Member Since 8th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2023

Sneaky Breeze

Im just a new brony who accidentally stumbled upon Fimfic and decided that i needed to join up in order to keep track of all the amazing stories on here ^_^


The weather is horrible outside. · 3:14pm Jan 8th, 2014

Oh my god I cant believe how cold it is now. Its like hellfroze over. But I still love it.

I go out with only my favorite jacket on. And the best part is the people who give me looks like im crazy.

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Comments ( 106 )
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2128503 Well, don't feel pressured. And actually, I haven't read it yet, it's on my read it later list, which has more than one hundred stories already... Yeah... Gotta start reading them after I finished the one I'm currently reading. Maybe you could do something similar to what I do, I write when I have time and will for it, perhaps you should consider it? Anyway, I think it will be the next I'll read. Good luck! :twilightsmile:

2128437 I'm afraid not. Sorry. I am far too busy to take up writing like that again and im far too mediocre a writer. Still im glad you liked it, since all I ever wanted for the story was for it to entertain.

Would you consider picking up your story, X-Com Ponies, again? Or do not have ANY plans for that. Just wondering. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for joining my group "the good prince".:rainbowdetermined2:

  • Viewing 102 - 106 of 106
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