• Member Since 8th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2023

Sneaky Breeze

Im just a new brony who accidentally stumbled upon Fimfic and decided that i needed to join up in order to keep track of all the amazing stories on here ^_^


The weather is horrible outside. · 3:14pm Jan 8th, 2014

Oh my god I cant believe how cold it is now. Its like hellfroze over. But I still love it.

I go out with only my favorite jacket on. And the best part is the people who give me looks like im crazy.

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Future plans for X-com and my stories · 7:01pm Jan 30th, 2013

After reading this old post about what might have been the future of X-com.

X-com: genesis (plot and details)

I have come to a decision. I will do two more stories after i finish X-com ponies.

One will be set in the X-com: Interceptor timeline and flesh out my universe abit more before leading into what may or may not be the final story of my X-com ponies universe.

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Just finished X-com enemy unknown · 2:54am Oct 14th, 2012

It was 100% worth the money and i cant wait to play it again after i write some more chapters of X-com ponies.

Im already giddy with ideas and ways to make my story fit in, especially the ending.

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