• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 1st



Hey there chummers · 4:56pm Apr 25th, 2018

So, last time I posted one of these I was a bit of a sad sap and waxed nostalgic for a minute and went on about not wanting to write much of anything anymore. Well I'm happy to say I'm back writing again and incidentally it happens to be yet another fanfiction. Only this time around, it has pretty much nothing to do with ponies or Star Wars. No my friends, I've fallen in with Shadowrun.

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That's sad to hear.
Though times change, things change. I hope things change for better for you sometime and maybe we will see continuation of The Smuggler and the Princess.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, depression can be a kick in the nards lemme tell ya. I barely even work on my personal projects as of late.

I haven't worked on anything fanfiction related in years so I'm sorry to say but it's very doubtful I'll be continuing any of these.

Are you going to update On the Side soon?

  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67
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