• Member Since 12th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Sunday

Cody MacArthur Fett


Problems with the AAG:TTLoM updates. · 8:27pm May 4th, 2018

To all those who are wondering why the story of which I promised daily updates hasn't been updating all week . . . it has. However, due to an issue with the reading of the story before it went online FIMFiction has decided that the first six chapters were all released on April 29th. This should be fixed for tomorrow's update, but I wanted to let everyone know what was going on in case they are confused who the Brisk Printer guy is and why he's walking through the rain.

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Oh yeah! Go ahead and drop a PM. I would love to talk about that.

Greetings! You recently commented on my story that you were intrigued by the way that I handled God in the HiE and that you were working out how to reconcile the two worlds in a story of your own. While I'll eventually have chapters that (somewhat) iron that out, if you wanted to swap thoughts on the matter, just hit me up. I've spent a lot of time considering it and chatting it over with some of my fellow fans (of various denominations) to come up with what I did, and I'm happy to share.


I'm glad you didn't change it when I made the chart, because I think it was pretty badass (which as we both know Mike Hengst totally is) and looks more "Navy" than, well, your other current one. I may even need to steal your avatar for another forum I'm on:trollestia:

Although now that you've seen it, I'm going to change it to something a little more realistic until Shin can give me an official profile image. Like Tom Hanks or something.

Yep. Saw it. Was a bit amused since Mike doesn't have a beard. :moustache:

Ironic though, since I've finally gotten around to changing my avatar to what it is on practically every other site out there.

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