Apple Scratch Verse 276 members · 19 stories

In a humanized version of Equestria, filled with magics of all kinds, Everyone's favorite DJ, Vinyl Scratch, ends up being related to the most dependable character of the show, Applejack Apple.
Crazy, you might think... but why stop at that?;)

Here's the group to my Apple-Scratch verse! Any question or thought about it can be addressed to me with the forum, and should some of you want to make a fan story about it, they can post it here!

Comments ( 11 )
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Name: golden Shadow fire
Race: alicorn/sarosian a.k.a vampire bat pony
Sex: male
Cutie Mark: a pair of wings surrounding a shield with Luna's crescent moon on it
Talent: protecting Luna with weapons and magic
Appearance: slightly taller than Luna jet black coat fiery mane and tail green eyes with a gold ring around the pupil and scar running vertically down right side of face over eye
Personality: a kind and caring stallion who has a wicked sense of humour always kind and gentle around foals/fillies and colts very protective of his family including Luna and will stop at nothing to keep them safe including killing at the last resort
Backstory: was born to a vampire bat pony mare and a Pegasus stallion who was in the guards and his father went on his last mission to stalliongrad and was shot down whilst during recon and landed in the ice his mother was a former guard and when she found out that she was pregnant she retired and was good friends with celstia and Luna's parents I was in my foalhood days friends with celstia and Luna and then saved Luna from 2 adolescent dragons and got the scar for it and got burnt by the dragon who was attacking Luna and told the flames that they are not going to hurt Luna and absorbed them and then killed the other dragon then asked Luna if she was alright and when she said yes I was relieved we then stayed staring into each others eyes and then shared a kiss and fell in love

Wow... I'm the 200th member... :rainbowderp:

On topic though, I honestly find the story quite interesting and I'm quite enjoying this verse. :twilightsmile:

didnt realize other people enjoyed this shipping besides me:rainbowderp:still happy to have found a group for it though:pinkiehappy:

Wow, we're close to 100 followers! :derpyderp2:

Name: Compass Rose
Race: Jupitarian
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Cutie Mark: A compas
Talent: Navigation and geography

Appearance: slightly shorter than average height, muscular build. He has dark brown hair and light grey eyes.

Personality: He acts like Cloud Kicker in a way, always flirting around, trying to get lucky. Likes to think that he's a bad ass but he is really just a big softy unless provoked. Loves a good laugh but is terrible when attempting humour.

Backstory: Compass grew up in northern Imareland. His parents where both farmers and wanted him to take up the trade as well. Instead though, he came to Equestria to study geography in cloudsdale in order to one day become a cartographer for the Royal Guards.

I tell everyone I meet to read these stories so you have like 80 more fans were I live but they don't have accounts. :pinkiehappy:

Hey, online less than 24 hrs and you've got 30 members, that ain't half bad! :pinkiehappy:

And so the ponies joined the group with glee... not know that this was only one of many stepping stones for the rise of the applescratch cult of Equestria...

Awesome stories, awesome group right?:ajsmug:


Well... One of my favourite fanfic series... Why the hell not join the group? :derpytongue2:

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