• Member Since 5th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 29th, 2022


Lookit me, I'm a succubutt, also this account is pretty dead.

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Lol so like im never here · 11:05pm Jun 18th, 2018

Hello, Hello

How is everyone? Alive, good? Great

It is I, SuccuPlush, I mean Plushy!

So, this post is signalling the end of an era. I'm done writing fanfictions, I've kinda steered away from MLP and I'm entering more college.

I would say I'd be more active on here, but I'm not. I got a boyfriend, I'm moving at the end of the week and I'm exploring things a bit more deeply now if you knw what I mean. *waggles brows*

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Report PinkieLunaShy · 321 views ·
Comments ( 280 )
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Oh, okay. I just got a little a worried when I notice you weren't posting anything for the past few months.


Yeah, I just don't come on here often anymore.

Haven't answered my other email to you yet. Is everything okay? :unsuresweetie:

  • Viewing 276 - 280 of 280
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