• Member Since 26th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Mulling about here and there to see what catches my eye. Might give a comment too! Icon by Aragon!

Comments ( 220 )
  • Viewing 216 - 220 of 220

And now thanks or adding The Perfectiest Plan to your shelves!

Hey dude! Thanks for checking out "Elements Change the Dark Hearts". I certainly hope you enjoy the story, and if you do, leave a comment or two and perhaps check out the Anthology semi-sequel "Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children". Also, I'm working on a proper direct sequel too, so stick around for that if you're interested.

Thanks for adding Jell-O Wrestling to your library! :pinkiehappy:

Hi there. Thanks for reading.

Thanks for the fav!

  • Viewing 216 - 220 of 220
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