Mulling about here and there to see what catches my eye. Might give a comment too! Icon by Aragon!
I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all
For those who wants to get to know me i may be 21 years old and feel like a teenage boy who may feel small but i got a BIG imagination inside me
"Everything is the Omniverse. Everything is canon."- SlouchyFall: Artist/Animator, Black Brony, and Earth Pony Enthusiast.
Hello Fimfiction Writers, I am Dalek-Galvo, EQG Fimfic writer, and Supreme Emperor of the New Imperial Dalek Empire!
An appreciator of entertaining stories. Currently a proofreader for The Bridge: A Godzilla/Mlp Crossover by Tarbtano
Love to read, write and be awesome!!! It's very nice to meet you.
"The clever are not so much looking for loneliness as they avoid the fuss created by fools." - Arthur Schopenhauer
I've been writing for 9 years and I still don't know what I'm doing.
I am a fanfic critic i will give your work a number from 1 to 200. But i will only mark your work if you have more then 10 fanfic storys
I kick evil in the NARDS ! Here be thy Patronage Page !
Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.
I write romance with intimacies, not clop. To my readers, I quote The Bard: “We who prologue-like your humble patience pray, Gently to hear, kindly to judge, our play.” (Henry V)
This is Kody The Ultimate Brony's backup account
"Jimmy Hook's the Name, Transformations is my Game" (Victim of The Cursed Gift since September 2016) - I apologize if I haven't been the friend that you deserve. But I want you to know, in my way, I love you all. - Dr. Sheldon Cooper
I'm the creator of,, the computer game Boppin', numerous online comics, novels, and tons of other wonderful things. I really love MLP:FiM.
I am The Prince of The Elements of Insanity and i will Help everyponies as much as they Help me out