• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2015
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Perfectly Insane

I've been writing for 9 years and I still don't know what I'm doing. https://ko-fi.com/perfectlyinsane


Is there anything better than a nap in the tub?

Thanks to Numbers for telling to me write this how I did instead of how I was going to originally. And thanks to Birb and several other for pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow encounters somepony on one of her patrols.

It doesn't go how you expect.


Pre-read by multiple people in the fimfic help channel and a few other servers, do not want to credit directly due to possible flak they might get.

Chapters (1)

There was one thing that always bugged Twilight about her student, even long after her passing. So much so, that she could not live without an answer.

My entry into the thousand word contest!

Edited with the help of Muggonny, Sev, and RB

Chapters (1)

It was her first serious relationship, and so her first real heartbreak. Trixie took it as well as can be expected.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Pink Is Your Color

Twilight and her Princess counterpart have always been as different as they were the same. It isn't until a particular book reading that they realize how deep those differences really go.

Reading the prequel is not required, but is recommended if you like this kind of content. This is more of a spiritual successor than anything.

Preread by the lovely Lunaria, and co-written with the amazing Runic!
Art from Pinterest.

Chapters (1)

No one gets along with Pinkie better than herself. This only proves further true when she meets her human counterpart, and they form a kinship comparable only to the love they both have for their families.

However, they inevitably come to learn the relationship they have for their respective families may be more different than they would have guessed.


Preread by the lovely David Silver, the amazing Lunaria, and the wonderful RB.

Chapters (1)

In the wake of a harrowing experience in the caves beneath The Pie Farm, Pinkie Pie is left twice-cursed—first by disturbing visions, and then by a question: will she ever sleep again?

Huge thanks to Chudo, RB, TMBT, Oblivion, Wayward, Smokinguy, and gapty for helping fine-tune the fic via prereading and editing.

A special thanks to Estee for tearing this fic down at the seams and making it better than it already was.

Cover art done by MissTwipie.

Chapters (5)

Equestria has changed as much as it has stayed the same. The ponies, while having adopted a new dialect, were as recognizable to Starswirl as they'd ever been. However, the world had spawned new traditions, inventions, foods, more creativity than he could imagine.

Apparently, to this chagrin, a mare was going to show him all of this and a little bit of everything else.

Huge thanks to RB for the assistance in making this legible to readers.

Chapters (1)

My name is Eight.

Yes, like the number. No, I didn't choose it. I can't even say why my name is Eight. Every time I've asked my dad, he just says he'll tell me when I'm 'eighteen' and starts laughing. So I don't ask anymore.

Usually, I just do my own thing. I have surface friends, try to get through high school, the works. I wouldn't say I have a boring life, just nothing particularly exciting happens.

At least, until both of the only girls I regularly talk to ended up confessing to me when I thought they couldn't possibly be interested. Instead of choosing one or the other, I decided to propose the idea of dating both of them at the same time.

I am way in over my head.

*Edited with the appreciated assistance of Arkadios!*

Chapters (6)

So many resets, so many changes; all just to blur together after a while. The void became, well, not my 'home', but not quite not a home either. I was content with the nigh nothingness I experienced while I waited for Frisk to reset, only to suddenly end up somewhere else entirely.

I'd seen all kinds of humans, all kinds of monsters. A muscular seahorse, a talking bowl of water obsessed with cleaning. What I didn't expect was an entire world of talking pony people who, despite being the only human there, they treat with kindness.

But, once again, the happiness didn't last; it never does.

Now with a reading!

*Takes place after the events of season 2 but before season 3.*

*This is an undertale crossover fic, but you do not necessarily need to know anything about undertale to enjoy it.*

Huge thanks to Phaoray and DekaSkittalz, and Reily for helping with editing and proofreading!

Now with a dedicated illustrator!

Cover art done by one of the best artist I've ever had the pleasure to work with! I am eternally grateful.

Support the patron if you'd like to see chapters as they're written, art as its drawn, and anything else related!

Currently taking side chapters, both canon and non; dm for further details if interested!

Featured: 6/10/21 onward. Thanks so much! I wasn't expecting anyone to like this story.

Chapters (43)