• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

David Silver

You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!


Sweetie Belle wants to show she's a real wizard! Real wizards have familiars, the book said so, and thus it must be true. She begins the ritual to call a spirit into being to serve her and help her magic grow.

Done entirely randomly for nobody but myself.

Chapters (1)

When Nightmare Moon came, she created an eclipse. In that eclipse, a few foals came to be at just the right, or wrong time. Touched with the wrongness of the event, they live their lives, forever touched by the lunar princess even with her gone.

Done for a patron with 1/month as the starting rate. Let's go!

Chapters (1)

Zephyr slunk home to his parents again, but he has a plan! He can get a job, and keep it. Just watch him! He will realize his dreams, Celestia help him!

Chapters (1)

Maud looks for a gift. That's what friends do. She is a good one of those, she hopes?

Done for the 1000 word contest on a lark. Hope everypony likes it!

Chapters (1)

She watched them from the waters embrace. Silly ponies doing silly things. Why wasn't she invited?

Done for a contest!

Decided to give it a crack. Why not?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Universal Language

In the voyage between the stars, it is easy for humans to lose themselves. Their ship is outfitted with assistants to help with this, to remind them that childish innocence is something to hold and cherish. The Pony Intelligences are ready for duty.

Writing this because I felt like it.

Join the special community of folks who like my stories and/or get your own here at Patreon!

Don't want to do an ongoing thing? You could buy me a coffee

Join my discord to chat!

Chapters (51)

In a city of bright lights and constant sounds, a mare tried to hold onto herself even as she battles demons inside and out. Will her bits take her to the end of the rainbow only she can see? She's ready to dance on the edge of a knife to find out.

Done for me! Though my patrons did get to vote the tags into being.

Join the special community of folks who like my stories and/or get your own here at Patreon!

Don't want to do an ongoing thing? You could buy me a coffee

Join my discord to chat!

Theme keywords: cyberpunk

Chapters (3)

Twilight gazed out into the evening ocean, her mind full of questions that had no answers. Why couldn't she stop it? Why couldn't she save her friends?

Done for a contest.

Join the special community of folks who like my stories and/or get your own here at Patreon!

Don't want to do an ongoing thing? You could buy me a coffee

Join my discord to chat!

Chapters (1)

Applejack storms into the Town Hall, glaring at any pony that so much as glances her way. "Where's that mayor?!" She stomps with each step, tail lashing on her way to Mayor Mare's office. She expects satisfaction, and swears she will leave with it.

Written for the Pairs contest.

Join the special community of folks who like my stories and/or get your own here at Patreon!

Don't want to do an ongoing thing? You could buy me a coffee

Join my discord to chat!

Chapters (1)