Perfectly Insane 571 followers · 22 stories

I've been writing for 9 years and I still don't know what I'm doing.

News Archive

  • 4 weeks
    The "New Blood" contest: Second Edition

    The "New Blood" contest: Second Edition.

    This is where the magic happens…
    This is where the magic grows...

    Last year we had no idea how this contest would turn out. A contest that limits who can participate was a risky idea, never having been done before. But that didn’t stop it from being a blast for all involved, authors and judges alike. There were so many good entries from so many new authors that finally took a stab at publishing. All around, it was a great success and its goal was achieved. So, because it’s always more fun the second time, here we go again.

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    26 comments · 3,348 views
  • 5 weeks
    2024 Non-Pony Writing Contest

    Or, Fantastic Creatures And How To Write Fanfic Of Them!

    Hey, everyone!

    So it's been since 2020 that I was last able to actually help co-host a contest. I've been a judge in a few since then, but for the most part I took a hiatus from the site. But now I'm back, and I thought to myself: What better way to come back than to host a fun competition? So that's exactly what I'm doing!


    Fantastic Creatures And How To Write Fanfic Of Them
    A 2024 Non-Pony Competition!

    Click the adorable kirin for a surprise...

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    55 comments · 3,469 views
  • 8 weeks
    The Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary Shipping Contest!

    Note: PI is not the host nor a judge.

    Welcome to the season of love.

    Summer* has arrived (well, close enough, anyway), and with summer comes summer romances! But just who is getting together this year? Well, that's up to you!

    *Or, for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere: Winter has arrived! And it's up to you to choose who's bundling up together!

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    19 comments · 2,991 views
  • 12 weeks
    Dialogue only contest!

    Yahallo! The premise of this contest is very simple: dialogue only! Which means no prose, no descriptions, no ‘saidisms’, nothing like that. Otherwise, you may get as creative as you feel like! No limits on what the story content can be. Below are the rules. Please, if you have any inquires, ask me or one of the judges in a dm. 

    The contest will last from May 15th-June 15th, giving little over a month for writers to plan out and write out whatever they like! :D

    Here is the group where fics should be submitted.

    1. Dialogue only.No descriptions, prose, saidisms, or paragraphs that are outside of someone speaking.
    2. The word limit, considering the unique case of this contest, will be 3.5k. However, if you want to do just 500 words (which is the minimum) and post the story(s) as an anthology, you are more than welcome too.

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    144 comments · 7,159 views
  • 12 weeks
    May Pairings Contest

    Art by Mushroom!


    It's once again May, and you know what that means: it's time to crackship!

    What is the May Pairings Contest?

    If you don’t know, the May Pairings contest is all about original, rare, or unique ships that aren’t afraid to explore unique dynamics between characters. This means that stories about Lyra and Bon Bon, Vinyl and Octavia, or Rarity and Twilight wouldn’t qualify. Rather, we want to see stories about Autumn Blaze and Lemon Hearts! Daring Do and Treehugger! Octavia and Applejack! You get the picture.

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    19 comments · 4,248 views
  • 17 weeks
    2024 Wonderbolts Sitewide Contest

    Art by daOtterGuy!

    Are you a brave, fearless, and daring pegasi in search of your next great adventure? Do you think you have what it takes to join the best flight team in all of Equestria? Then the Wonderbolts just might be the group for you.


    The Quills and Sofas Speedwriting team is proud to present to you, the 2024 Wonderbolts Sitewide Contest!

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    55 comments · 6,039 views
  • 22 weeks
    The Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad 2024 Competition

    Do you love Shining Armor? Do you hate Shining Armor? If your answer is yes to either/both of these, then this is the place for you! Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad is a sequel to Cadance is a Terrible Mom. The original contest was a success, and I've been itching to host another like it ever since. The premise is the same, only the roles are reversed: Write a story about Shining Armor being an awful parent.

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    33 comments · 10,232 views
  • 28 weeks
    Portal Transformations Contest I

    Announcement and Rules (3 January 2024 to 7 March 2024)

    The most up to date version of this contest's rules is at Please ask your questions there.

    Welcome to the Contest

    "When Spike goes through the Mirror Portal from Equestria to CHS, he turns into a dog. What does X turn into when X goes through the Mirror Portal (or a similar portal)? You can pick X and the direction."

    Myself (Mockingbirb), I'm especially interested in changes that are less usual, not so commonplace (although I suppose very unsual treatments of the 'usual' changes can be interesting too.)

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    10 comments · 8,916 views
  • 38 weeks
    Imposing Sovereigns IV

    An esteemed pedigree of Fimfic contests has entered its next generation. That’s right, Imposing Sovereigns IV… has actually been going for a while now. Apologies there. :twilightsheepish:

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  • 41 weeks
    The M/M Shipping Contest III: 2023 Sep 24 - Dec 03

    commissioned from: daOtterGuy

    Here we go again!

    It is, indeed, the subsequent year after the M/M Shipping Contest 2022 and I, Bicyclette (who is NOT Wanderer D if you are reading this from the site post, please do NOT message them about this contest) am still alive! Therefore, this contest is happening!

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    24 comments · 7,864 views

Competition » Tropical Post-Apocalypse Contest! :D · 12:54am May 8th

Note: PI is not the host of this contest. That is, instead, the lovely Robipony

🌴Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest🌴

-Image can be found: Here.

So, I’ve been having this idea of a tropical post-apocalyptic setting bouncing around me. Thus, I thought it might be fun to do a writing contest for this group that would have all of you exploring this concept. 

It’s really pretty simple, just write a story that takes place on an island after an apocalypse. What kind of Apocalypse? That I leave up to you, the writer, to decide. Zombie outbreak, nuclear fallout, natural catastrophe, alien invasion, etc… It's all up to you. 

Your story also needs to have some aspect of the apocalypse present, but how you go about that is totally up to you to decide. On one hand, your characters could be trying to survive on an island with a zombie infestation. On the other hand, maybe they’re having a beach party, celebrating their survival of an alien invasion. Or maybe the characters are establishing a seaside village on the island just shortly after emerging from the safety of a nuclear bunker. 

Feel free to make it as serious or as lighthearted as you want, so long as you follow the rules. :pinkiesmile:

The Rules:

  • Your story must take place on a tropical island. 
  • Your story must also take place in a post-apocalyptic setting (essentially an mlp alternate universe where an apocalypse has occurred). What kind of apocalypse is totally up to you. 
  • The story can take place in either Gen4, Gen5, or even EqG but must take place in Equestria or EqG's Human World (whatever it's called). 
  • AUs and OCs are allowed, just be aware that the judges might not be aware of any worldbuilding/lore outside of what's in MLP.
  • The story must be SFW (Safe for Work). It can have implied sex, but no actual clop. Also NO foalcon and no incestuous pairings. 
  • Aside from the Fetish tag, all tags are acceptable.
  • Must have at least 2,500 words with the upper limit being 22,000 words.
  • It MUST be a new story, and can't have already been published. 
  • When submitting your story, make sure you put it in the Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest folder, in the Island Group, by midnight on July 26th PST and the story must be complete at that date.
  • You are allowed to post multiple entries, however only one may win a prize.
  • Have fun.


The prizes for this contest is some artwork from the magnificent artist, Princeling. 

-All these awesome images created by Princeling.

1st Place: Full Render Body image. 
2nd Place: Flat Color Body image.
3rd Place: Lineart Body image.


And your amazing stories will be judged by: Caladis, Airy Words, Dashie04 and LunarReaper. 

The Judges will be judging the stories using the following rubric:

  • Story: Is it engaging or fun to read?
  • Characters: Are the characters well developed and relatable?
  • Themes: How well does the story implement the themes of a tropical island and a post-apocalyptic setting?
  • Dialogue: Does the dialogue feel natural?
  • Grammar/Spelling: Is the story well written or does it have frequent grammatical errors.
  • Creativity: How creative was the author with the concepts that they used?

Each of these categories will be given a grade of 1-5, with a total score of 6-30 by the judges. The judges will then discuss the scores together to determine the winner. :pinkiesmile:

Feel free to ask questions if you have any. 

Thank you all for coming back, we hope that you all will participate and make some amazing stories. :twilightsmile:

-This image can be found: here.

Report Perfectly Insane · 5,243 views · #contest #art #pone
Comments ( 22 )

What a cute, unique idea for a contest. I'm definitely gonna enter this one!

Sounds like a good time. I've got a solid apocalypse AU I could write a sequel for. answers a tiny number of older questions, such as "is post-post-apocalyptic fiction allowed" (yes) and "is it fine if most (but not all) of the story is on a tropical island" (yes)

FOE is gonna have a FIELD DAY!

I would like to enter, not for the prizes, just for the chance to entertain others with captivating words. This contest is happening just at the right time of year because I don't have to work overtime next week. Can't wait to see the other entries! Good luck to everypony!

That's exactly what I thought when I saw this blog in my Feed. A Fallout story set on Mt. Eris would be perfect for this.

Now that I think about, it makes perfect sense that G5 itself has to be a post-post-apocalyptic society. In G4, Equestria is a massive continent, with numerous large cities and a population likely in the millions. In G5, there are two cities and a forest full of unicorns.

Possible G5 story idea: Sunny and friends travel to Mt. Eris to investigate the apocalypse that ended Princess Twilight's reign.


Now that I think about, it makes perfect sense that G5 itself has to be a post-post-apocalyptic society. In G4, Equestria is a massive continent, with numerous large cities and a population likely in the millions. In G5, there are two cities and a forest full of unicorns.

That was my headcanon from Make Your Mark if the capital-like cities (tech hub, city with royalty) were so small and low density.

Tell Your Tale has other towns. And annoyingly mentioned a number that just seems unrealistic/inconsistent enough to ignore, unless there's megacities somewhere.

I may enter this contest, but I need to ask something, and it may sound like a stupid question; I have an idea of an post-apocalyptic setting for an MLP:FiM story, and I can tweak it to make it fit on a tropical island, but I’m not sure if anyone will understand anything about it, so here’s my question: if anyone here has heard of this, does a crossover with the old MMO Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall count as a post-apocalyptic setting?

I can only think Fallout when it comes to Post-Apocalyptic stuff

A green apocalypse is what's its called when plant growth takes over civilization. Unclear if it's the growth that kills everything or if just a result of civilization dying. Be a great opportunity for a Last of Us setting in someplace like Horseshoe Bay or Silver Shoals. I got the impression that's like Florida or Miami.

>I have this unique idea, and I'd like to see stories using it
>instead of commissioning someone I'll just make it a contest instead.
Genius! This way you'll get multiple stories for the price of zero. Quality notwithstanding.

I want to lie
Shipwrecked and comatose
Drinking fresh
Mango juice

Very classy contest, op.

That's a fresh spin on post-apocalyptic settings. Dunno if I'll enter anything, but the concept is fun.

Maybe I'll give this idea a shot, not sure yet.

Goldfish shoals
Nibbling at my toeshooves
Fun, fun, fun
In the sun sun sun.

Long live Red Dwarf.

Quite a nice idea for a contest, I'm considering entering as a challenge to myself since I haven't written any complete stories in a while, nor have written a fanfiction before. That said, I do have one question.

What would this contest consider "post-apocalypse"? I have a vague blot of an idea for a story, but it doesn't involve the "nuclear winter" kind of apocalypse. It's more atuned to political instability. Not an aftermath of a potentially apocalypstic event either, more set as the event is occuring.

Can something like this qualify as "post-apocalypstic"? Asking so I don't write the story and then find out it doesn't quite qualify.

Weird question time. What sort of trees would be found on a tropical island? We're not limited to bamboo, are we?

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