My Ars Poetica · 4:15am May 15th, 2022
I think I finally realized my ars poetica. It could be summed up in this one simple animated image.
Expect more stories, just don't expect them to strictly adhere to canon (or at all).
My hovercraft is full of parasprites
so I've been away from the story making and cool stuff due to no longer havin' access to a computer to write stuff and my involuntary newly found nomad-like style of life. things are going certainly bad and I dunno if I could be able to write for some time. so yeah, Im really sorry for the people asking me about storys but I'm certainly out of the game from now on, sorry!.
I'll make another blog if I find a way to...well you know, to do stuff.
Sometimes, especially when your brain gets cooked outside in the 38 degrees C, you get wild ideas.
Like, that you should participate in the thousand words contest at the last moment. And let's say you made up something incredibly stupid on the spot, and posted it.
Mistakes were made, some of you won't be able to unsee it. But I won't cry over it. I'll turn this into another By the Will of the Council blogpost instead.
"You're still at this fic?!"
Sure as fuck, mate. Rent free.
This is getting really long, innit? I'll try to make this one the last one.
Again, SPOILERS ahead.
Picasso said "Good artists copy, great artists steal".
And the mediocre ones simply get inspired by a bunch of things which then get repurposed and rolled into one, that would be called "original" by them.
So, what's up with the whole "Luna is the Magikhan's assassin" thing? Is that the least edgy thing I could make up? Well, yes and no.
Hello and welcome to the second part of this author's blog thing.
If you ended up here, you've already read the fic itself that this is about. If not, than beware: in the followup, there will be SPOILERS. With that out of the way, let's go.
By the Will of the Council is my first ever longfic. Well, it's not exactly the first longer piece of fiction I ever wrote, but it's the first one with this level of polish, and pre-planning. And the first that was posted exclusively on this site. If you're here, you're probably here for behind the scenes stuff, creative process, inspirations, all that long-winded, boring mumbo-jumbo. If not, this was your only warning! Leave while you can!
I think I finally realized my ars poetica. It could be summed up in this one simple animated image.
Expect more stories, just don't expect them to strictly adhere to canon (or at all).
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Ahoy, Captain
I think I'll just continue on your profile huh?
It's been going on for weeks. We use to be extremely close
Just out of the blue? Without any prelude?